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Lion Alert!
1 Peter 5:8-9
Skip Heitzig

1 Peter 5 (NKJV™)
8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.
9 Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world.

New King James Version®, Copyright © 1982, Thomas Nelson, Inc. All rights reserved.

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60 1 & 2 Peter - Rock Solid - 2013

Just think what would happen if a lion from our local zoo escaped and was wandering around the park, looking for a fresh kill. Can you imagine the pandemonium that would erupt if such a misfortune occurred? Imagine no more! Our Enemy is far more dangerous and formidable and is on the prowl to destroy the spiritual lives of the residents of planet Earth, especially those who belong to Christ. Let's consider the battle and the potential outcome.

When Jesus asked his disciples. "Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?" Peter responded "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." Jesus promised Peter that upon the Rock of that confession He would build His church.

The truth of who Jesus is empowers common man to speak the message that opens the doors of heaven to sinners. Join us to learn strong principles for godly living and reach new heights in our faith as we work our way through Peter's epistles—writings which evangelize the lost and instruct the church. Pastor Skip Heitzig guides us through First and Second Peter in the series Rock Solid.

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  1. His Identity—You Have an Enemy

  2. His Strategy—Your Enemy Has a Plan

  3. His Territory—Your Enemy Is Active

  4. His Frailty—Your Enemy Must Be Engaged

    1. Our Inner Weaponry

    2. Our Outer Weaponry


  1. In these verses, how is our Enemy described?

  2. What does it mean that he "walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour"?

  3. How are we to engage him?

  4. What sorts of weapons do we have for this fight?

  5. Have you experienced spiritual warfare?

  6. How should we approach spiritual warfare?

  7. What did God reveal to you in this passage?

  8. Is there anything that applies directly to you or to someone you know? How can you take aim at changing a negative behavior in a biblical way?

  9. Who was this passage originally directed to?

  10. How does this passage apply to believers?

Detailed Notes

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  1. Introduction
    1. What if the lion doesn't sleep tonight? What if the lion's on the prowl and wants to destroy?
    2. We have an Enemy
    3. This is a sobering statement
      1. Similar to Jesus' statement to Peter
      2. Luke 22:31
    4. Our Enemy is real, invisible, and deadly—far deadlier than any lion on this Earth
    5. Ephesians 6:12
  2. His Identity—You Have an Enemy
    1. Devil, or diabolos, means the slanderer
      1. Term used thirty-five times in Scripture
      2. Another fifty-four times, he's referred to as Satan
      3. Five times as the Evil One
      4. Eight times as the Wicked One
    2. Genesis 3 to Revelation 20: his work spans all of human history
    3. A lot of people deny the existence of a literal Devil
      1. Barna polled born-again Christians and found that about half leaned toward the idea that the Devil is just a symbol of evil
      2. In another poll, 65 percent of Christians said they didn't believe in the Devil
    4. How much stock do you put in the words of the Lord Jesus Christ concerning the Devil?
      1. Where do you derive your authority?
      2. Jesus never referred to the Devil as an "it" or "that," but a "he" and a "him"
      3. Luke 10:18
    5. "I believe Satan to exist for two reasons: first, the Bible says so; and second, I've done business with him" —D.L. Moody
    6. This lion often wears a disguise
      1. Matthew 7:15; 10:16
      2. He doesn't come off as an enemy, but a friend
      3. He questioned God; Genesis 3:1
    7. About the Devil in The Passion of the Christ: "I wanted it this way because that is how the Enemy is. Evil looks good until you turn it around a little and see the whole spectrum, then you see the ugliness" —Mel Gibson
    8. Everyone has a relationship with Satan
      1. He's either your friend or your enemy
      2. It's better that the Devil be your enemy than your friend
  3. His Strategy—Your Enemy Has a Plan
    1. Devour (v. 8)
      1. A very strong word meaning to gulp down
      2. "He is looking for someone to eat" (v. 8, NLV)
    2. How does the Devil devour people?
      1. He wants you to burn in hell forever
        1. John 10:10
        2. Matthew 25:41
      2. He wants to make the Christian weak
    3. Satan is hungry, and gullible, ill-prepared Christians are on his menu
    4. Perhaps the imagery of the lion came to Peter because of his contact with Roman believers; perhaps he had actually seen people fed to the lions
    5. Job 1:8
      1. Better translated: "You have been considering My servant Job, have you not?"
      2. Consider was a military term of a general who would survey a town before laying siege to it
    6. Satan is actively studying you
      1. All of us have weaknesses
      2. Whatever temptation he sends your way is custom-made for your personality
    7. Satan operates within parameters
      1. He can only act by permission of God, in line with God's purposes
      2. Mark 5:12-13
      3. In the fire of a trial or temptation, God has His eye on me and His finger on the thermostat
      4. 1 Corinthians 10:13
  4. His Territory—Your Enemy Is Active
    1. Satan has access to the entire world geographically, but his focus of attack is on believers specifically
    2. Satan is the ruler of this world
      1. John 12:31
      2. God allows Satan certain liberties and freedoms
    3. Job 1:6-7
      1. Satan has access to heaven and earth
      2. Satan is not in hell and never has been; he will one day
      3. When he gets there, he will not be in charge; he will be in chains
    4. We have an invisible army in a visible world
    5. The Devil has four principle targets
      1. Jesus Christ
        1. Genesis 3:15
        2. Revelation 12:4
        3. He is always against the gospel and Jesus
      2. Holy angels
        1. Daniel 10
        2. Revelation 12:7
      3. The nation of Israel—the object of God's plan
      4. Believers
    6. What are his tactics?
      1. Devil means slanderer
        1. Revelation 12:10
        2. He attacks us by accusation
      2. Persecution
  5. His Frailty—Your Enemy Must Be Engaged
    1. Your Enemy cannot be ignored; you have to engage him
    2. The Devil is never too busy to rock the cradle of a sleeping saint
    3. Our Inner Weaponry
      1. It begins in the mind and has an outworking in your life
      2. "Be sober" (v. 8)
        1. Be self-controlled and disciplined; think clearly
        2. Don't allow yourself to be intoxicated by the amusements of this world
        3. The battle always begins in the mind; Proverbs 23:7
      3. "Be vigilant" (v. 8)
        1. Be alert; be watchful
        2. Matthew 26:36-45
        3. Watch out for attacks in weak areas
    4. Our Outer Weaponry
      1. Be resolute (see v. 9)
        1. James 4:7
        2. In the faith—the truth embodied in the Scripture
        3. Jude 1:3
        4. Matthew 4:1-10; Luke 4:1-12
        5. Christians need to know their Bibles
      2. Be together
        1. Second person plural; Peter wrote to a group of people
        2. If you think you can live the Christian life by yourself, you're dead meat
        3. We need the herd
  6. Closing
    1. As brutal a lion the Enemy is, he's only a second-rate lion
    2. Jesus is called the lion of the tribe of Judah
      1. Revelation 5:5
      2. C.S. Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia
      3. Amos 1:2
      4. The true lion-king roared from Zion, "It is finished!" (see John 19:30)
    3. One day, Satan is going to be fired eternally (see Rev. 20:10)
    4. 1 John 4:4

Figures referenced: D.L. Moody, Mel Gibson, C.S. Lewis

Greek words: diabolos

Cross references: Genesis 3; Job 1:6-8; Proverbs 23:7; Daniel 10; Amos 1:2; Matthew 4:1-10; 7:15; 10:16; 25:41; 26:36-45; Mark 5:12-13; Luke 4:1-12; 10:18; 22:31; John 10:10; 12:31; 19:30; 1 Corinthians 10:13; Ephesians 6:12; James 4:7; 1 Peter 5:8-9; 1 John 4:4; Jude 1:3; Revelation 5:5; 12:4, 7, 10; 20


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Pastor Skip Heitzig guides us through First and Second Peter in the series Rock Solid.

Pastor Skip Heitzig: This is week 28 of our series Rock Solid in a study in First Peter, and I've discovered we're having a hard time ending it. And it's Peter's fault, he keeps saying stuff, and we find that some of the stuff we have to really kind of go through and probe a little deeper and go in depth and understand and apply. We're in two verses of First Peter, chapter 5 today. Can we pray before we start.

Father, we pray because we want to say that we depend on you. We need your help. It's plain to understand what we read, but we need the help of your Spirit to make real consideration and application in a way that would change lives. Lord, I pray with what we discover today, as for some it will be eye-opening and sobering. I pray, Lord, that we would rejoice because of the ultimate truth that this text bears out. We look to you, Lord, we thank you for this day that we can gather together and worship as your flock, in Jesus' name, amen.

Well, the name of this message is "Lion Alert!" and you'll see why as we get into the text. But as I was considering the passage and the title, my mind kept going back to that song. It was actually written in 1939, but every generation knows it. "In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight. Near the village, the peaceful village, the lion sleeps tonight." You remember the word that they say over and over again in the song? "A wimoweh, a-wimoweh, a-wimoweh." [laughter] What if the lion doesn't sleep tonight? What if the lion is on the prowl? What if the lion wants to destroy? Well, that's exactly what happened when a movie was made out of it called The Ghost in the Darkness about two man-eating lions in Tsavo, Kenya, who attacked villagers and destroyed lives.

And there's been disputes as to how many actually were killed. One report says up the 135 people were killed by prowling, man-eating lions. I guarantee you in that village they were not singing wimoweh over and over again. We have an enemy. We have a brutal, attacking, destructive, unrelenting enemy and he is described for us in two verses of First Peter, chapter 5. I commend you to verse 8. "Be sober," writes Peter, "be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world." That would be a sobering statement to read if you were getting this letter from Peter for the first time.

It's quite an announcement, similar to the announcement that the Lord Jesus himself made to Peter one night when he said, "Peter, Satan has asked for you by name that he wants to sift you like wheat." I think if I were Peter I'd take a few steps back---"Whoa, what kind of an announcement is that?" Imagine an announcement if you were at the zoo, and you're there with your family and you're wandering around the park, and suddenly over the PA system you hear this announcement: "Ladies and gentlemen, we just wish to inform you that the lion has escaped its enclosure and it's roaming about the park. And, by the way, this lion has not yet eaten, so you may want to keep your children close."

Actually we don't even have to imagine that. Three days ago in Sydney, Australia, that happened. A lion got out of its enclosure in the park during operating hours and dozens of people had to be brought inside in order to be protected. Just last year a lion in California killed a zookeeper, a young intern by the name of Dianna Hanson, mauled her to death. I did a little bit of research and discovered something that was really appalling. In the last 21 years, 20 people, including 5 children, have been killed by big cats in the United States. And in that same time period 246 people were mauled by those cats. A few years back I was in Kenya and we were doing some ministry, but I had an afternoon where we went to a park, an animal park.

And it's just the wide-open range, the savanna animals wandering around for miles, and it's just in that natural, beautiful habitat. And as we're going around, we went around this corner where there was a tuft in the ground with some trees and we came upon a group of lions, and they were just lyin' there, [laughter] and peaceful. And when I saw them, I wanted to go a-wimoweh, a-wimoweh. I was just kind of like, "Man, this is so awesome!" So I roll my win---we're pretty close, so I roll my window down and the driver goes, "Uh, you may want to not roll that down too far. Don't even think about getting out of this Land Rover because you'll discover those peaceful lions will turn on you so quickly and attack you if they get spooked, if they get frightened."

I even discovered the lions are on the top ten list of Africa's most dangerous animal. The male lion can weigh upwards of 550 pounds and will attack elephants. Called the "king of the jungle" because it has no predators. The only predators that the lion has is a crocodile and a man with a gun. When lions attack, they pounce. They will pounce on their prey and usually sink their teeth into the neck of the prey, suffocating that victim to death; that's how it kills. We have an enemy. He's a real enemy, an invisible enemy, a deadly enemy, far deadlier than any lion on this earth. The apostle Paul in Ephesians 6 says, "We do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly places."

So as we unpack verse 8 and 9 of First Peter, chapter 5, there's four things about this lion that you should know about: his identity, his strategy, his territory, and his frailty. Let's consider his identity. Notice what it says in verse 8, "your adversary the devil." Let's just consider that, "your adversary [or enemy] the devil." The word "devil," diabolos, means one who slanders or one who will attack another by slander. It is a term that is used 35 times in Scripture, he's called "the devil." Another 54 times he is referred to as "Satan"; another 5 times he's called "the evil one"; another 8 times he is called "the wicked one." He's also called "the destroyer," "Abaddon," "Apollyon," "Lucifer," and a host of other names.

He first appears in Genesis, chapter 3; his career finally ends in Revelation, chapter 20. In other words, his work spans all of human history. Now, I realize that some people hearing this or reading this flinch whenever they hear somebody like me talk about a literal devil. I realize that we live in a day and age when a lot of people deny the existence of a literal devil. Certainly people who are unbelievers don't give him a thought, even born-again Christians, many of us, don't consider the devil to be real. He's just a cartoon character. He wears tight, little red underwear and has a funny goatee and hops around and goes from one comic book to the other.

The Gallup Organization said though 70 percent of Americans believe in the devil, about half believe he's just a metaphor for evil, not really a real entity, just evil in general. That doesn't concern me. Here's what concerns me: a Barna Organization poll polled just born-again Christians, or should I say those who claim to be, and made a statement and asked born-again Christians to say: "Do you agree with that or do you disagree with this statement?" Here was the statement: "The devil is not a living being, but just a symbol of evil." Of those who said they were born again, 32 percent "strongly agree," 11 percent "agree somewhat," 5 percent "don't know."

All totaled, about half of these "born-again Christians" lean to the idea that the devil is not a real entity but just a symbol of evil, or they just don't know. A poll that I read more recently is---in fact, it was a Christian organization magazine and the title of the article is "Christians Don't Believe in the Devil Anymore." In that poll 65 percent of Christians didn't believe in the devil. So just in case I'm talking to any of that ilk, let me propose a question to you: How much stock to you put in the words of the Lord Jesus Christ concerning the devil? That's really the issue. The issue is one of authority; where do you derive your authority? Everybody gets authority from someplace.

Your authority is your culture, what everybody else thinks about something. You want to go along with them. It could you be your tradition, what's been passed down. What you're friends think, that's your authority. How you feel at the moment, that's your authority. Or is your authority from indeed the Bible? And do you put stock in what Jesus said about the devil? For when Jesus talked about the devil, he never referred to the devil at an "it" or a "that," but a "he" and a "him." Personal pronouns were given to him. Jesus said, "I saw Satan fall from heaven like lightning," his words, his experience. D. L. Moody used to say, "I believe in the devil for two reasons: number one, the Bible says he exists; number two, I have done business with him."

Something about this lion that we read about here; Peter pictures him as "a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour," wandering around. However, this lion often wears a disguise. We know him to be a lion because he's portrayed that way in this text, but Jesus said usually when he shows up, he doesn't show up like a lion, but like a wolf in---what ?---sheep's clothing. He's all about the cover up. He's all about deception. He doesn't come off as an enemy, but as a friend. When Satan first appeared to Eve, he questioned God: "Has God said that? Is God wanting to keep you away from this tree? Would God be so unkind as to keep you away from something you want? I, on the other hand, can give you what you want." He comes off so deceptive, so friendly, not at all like a lion.

I read an interview that I wanted to pass on to you. I found it fascinating. It was an interview with Mel Gibson about his movie The Passion of the Christ put out several years ago. And it caught my attention, because if you remember that movie, the actor that portrayed the devil in that movie was just creepy. And I've often wondered, "Ugh! What's that about?" Well, the interviewer asked Mel Gibson this question: "Why was the devil portrayed by a person you couldn't clearly identify? Was it a beautiful woman or a hideous man? Sometimes the character looked good and other times the character looked ugly." Mel Gibson responded by saying, "I wanted it this way because that is how the enemy is. Evil looks good until you turn it around a little and you see the whole spectrum, and then you see the ugliness."

Ooh, what a statement. The ugly, brutal lion goes undetected. In fact, the world doesn't see him as a lion, they're going, "Here kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty." Not knowing what his really intent is. Everyone has some relationship with Satan, everyone. He's either your friend or he's your enemy, and for born-again believers he is indeed our enemy. It's better to have that relationship. It's better that the devil be your enemy than be your friend. If you have any relationship with him at all, you want to make sure he is your enemy, "your adversary the devil." So that's his identity. Look at his strategy. Peter says he "walks about." Get the picture? He's on the prowl, this lion. "He walks about . . . seeking whom he may devour."

The word "devour," a very strong word, means to gulp down. One translation says, "He is looking for someone to eat." That's what devour is. How does the devil devour people? Well, let me kind of boil it down and just get down to brass tacks. Number one, his number one aim: he wants you to burn in hell forever. How's that for a bottom line? That's what he wants. Jesus in John 10 said, "The thief comes for no other reason except to steal, to kill, to destroy." That's his intent. We know that hell was not made for people; it was made "for the devil and his angels." But misery loves company and he wants to get at many people, entities, beings, in hell with him and his minions, and he wants humanity to burn in hell forever.

Number two, if he can't get that---and the only reason he couldn't get that is if a person said no to him and said yes to Jesus, turned their life over to Jesus Christ, became---in Jesus' words---"born again." So now he's not in allegiance with Satan, he's in allegiance with God, and principally Jesus Christ. How would Satan devour a Christian? Well, by making you weak. That's his second aim. If he can't have you burn in hell, then as a Christian he just wants to make you a weak, anemic, impotent, ineffective believer, get you so weighed down and distracted with piddly little stuff, your this, your that, your career, your boat, your project, and just get you swimming in all of that and not thinking about advancing the kingdom of God.

So it's just existing and not really doing the devil any damage. So here's the bottom-line statement: Satan is hungry and gullible; ill-prepared Christians are on his menu. He is on the prowl, "seeking whom he may devour." Now I was considering this week this text, and I thought about Peter and his use of this metaphor of Satan like a lion. And I thought, well, you know, Peter didn't have a zoo that he could go to like we do today. It's sort of a modern development. So Peter wasn't, like, at the local zoo eating peanuts going, "Huh, that's kind of cool watching this lion in the enclosure here." So perhaps the imagery came to Peter---I can't be certain, but perhaps---because of his contact with Roman believers he had actually seen people fed to the lions, which was part of Roman entertainment.

And he saw the vicious attacks these animals could have on humans. Whatever his source, the picture of Peter is profound: a lion walking about studying its prey, looking for the right time to pounce. That's the idea of what he writes. Can I take your mind back to a familiar passage in the book of Job? You don't have to turn there, but recall it with me. In Job, chapter 1, God asks the devil who appears before him, Satan appears before God, and God says, "Have you considered my servant Job?" That's a rhetorical question. It would be better translated: "You have been considering my servant Job, have you not?" The word "consider" means set your heart on, study. "You've been studying Job, haven't you? You've been looking at him very, very carefully, haven't you? You've been eyeing him."

"Consider" was a military term of a general who would survey a town before he would lay siege to it. So Satan had been studying Job and thinking, "How can I undermine this blameless, perfect man?" Looking for weak points, looking for a time to attack. This leads me to a couple conclusions. Number one: Satan is actively studying you. Does that make you feel a little unnerved? I hope so. It makes me feel a little creeped out. Ever been in a restaurant when you realize that person across the restaurant has been looking at you staring at you the whole time? It's like, woo-ooh, that's just weird. [laughter] You have an enemy who studies you. All of us have weaknesses.

There are areas of our life where we are prone to fall and easily tempted: for some it could be anger, for others it could be lust and pornography, for others it can be a bad habit, for others it might be insecurity and lying, trying to project an image, because "I always want people to accept me and like me." Whatever that is, and you know what those areas are, you have an enemy who also knows what those areas are. And the point being: whatever temptation he sends your way is custom made just for your personally. "You've been considering my servant Job," that's the idea of prowling around. But the second conclusion that I find is that Satan operates within parameters.

He can only act by permission of God and in line with God's purposes, much like the demons who inhabited a man at Gedara. And before Jesus cast them out, they said, "Permit us to go into that herd of swine." They operate only by permission. That brings comfort to me, that I know I have an enemy who's studying me and attacking me, but I have a Lord who's over him permitting him certain freedoms and curtailing and restricting other freedoms. So he can only go so far. So this is what it means to me: when I'm in the fire of a trial or I'm in the fire of a temptation, I know that God has his eye on me and his finger on the thermostat. He knows what I can take. Paul said, "He won't allow you to be tempted above what you are able to endure."

So that's his identity and that's his strategy. Consider now with me his territory. Look at verse 9. "Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world." Consider that phrase. Who's "your brotherhood"? Fellow believers. "In the world"; where's that? Well, it could mean scattered outside the church, the worldly system. But it just means everywhere on earth where there are believers Satan is attacking. So listen to this: Satan has access to the entire world geographically, but his focus of attack is on believers specifically, "your brotherhood in the world." Did you know that three times Jesus Christ referred to Satan as "the ruler of this world"?

I've never liked that. I like to sing, "This is my Father's world." And it is his world by creation, and it is his world by sovereign purpose controlling everything, but he allows this devil, this Satan certain liberties and freedoms to move and to do. And though he is on a leash---frankly, sometimes I wish the leash were a little shorter---he has access. The world is his oyster. It's his platform of attack. Like a lion who is considered to be king of the beasts because he can roam just about anywhere he wants, so this enemy roams wherever he wants. He roams, he searches, he looks for prey. Go back in your mind to Job, chapter 1, the story that I began with a little bit ago. It says there came a day when God called for an account and among those that he called for an account from was Satan.

So Satan appears before God to give an account. And in Job, chapter 1, I think it's verse 7, God says, "Where you been Satan? What have you been doing?" And Satan says, "From going to and fro on the earth and walking back and forth on it." So he appears before God for some personal accounting, but he's been cruising the earth. Did you know that Satan has access to heaven and earth? Stay with me here. He has some access to heaven. He had some ability to appear before God to give an account, but he was cruising the earth. Let me give you something else that to some people is a shocker: Satan is not in hell. He has never been in hell. He will one day be in hell. He's going there.

When he gets there he will not be in charge, he will be in chains. He will be the chief victim. But until then he has freedom and he wanders and he works. The devil commands the demonic realm, but the theater of operations of that demonic realm is in the human world. So this is what we're dealing with: we have an invisible army in a visible world. It's pretty tough. I mean, think about it, it's like a massive cloaking device for Klingons. It's like they're everywhere, but you can't see them. He's active all over the world. He's active to deceive. And did you know the devil has four principle targets, and you're not number one on the list, even though sometimes you think you are.

We flatter ourselves thinking, "He's all against me. He's all against me." You're not even in the top three. His first target is not you, it's Jesus Christ. And the only reason he would ever get to you is because he hates him. Jesus Christ is his first principle target, because back in Genesis, chapter 3, in the very beginning, God said, "There's coming someone who's going to crush your head, Satan, and that's going to be my promised Messiah, the Seed of the woman." Ever since that promise he's been looking for a way to get rid of Jesus whom God said would bring salvation and destroy him. We see in the book of Revelation, chapter 12, John said, "I saw a dragon who was ready to pounce on the male Child [Christ] as soon as he was born."

He's always against the gospel. He's always against Jesus. I found it interesting when I listen to people, and I try to listen carefully, and I listen to people what they say even when they swear. And it's an interesting thing that one of the swear words a lot of people like to use is the name of Jesus Christ. I take personal offense to that and often I'll let them know. But what I find is that people who claim to be atheist or agnostics---I've even heard Muslims use the term "Jesus Christ" to swear. No one says, "Oh, Buddha!" [laughter] And I just think, "Why is it that of all of the religious names in the world---since all religions are created equal, some say---why not pull out a different name?" But I can see, even in that, behind the scenes the spiritual warfare that is going on.

So Jesus is number one target. Second target of the devil---still not you---holy angels. These are the one-on-one combatants in the battle. If you have evil angels, the equal opposite of that would be holy angels. And we find in passages like Daniel, chapter 10, the heavenly hosts doing battle. Revelation, again, chapter 12, John said, "I saw war in heaven: Michael and his angels warring with the dragon and his armies." Third on the list of attacks---still not you. Jesus, holy angels; number three, the nation of Israel. And why the nation of Israel? You see it all throughout the Scripture, because the nation of Israel God made a promise to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, about them and their land and the plan of salvation.

So Israel is the object of God's plan, so he's incessantly attacking the nation of Israel. And in the tribulation period it will be no holds barred. The attack will be fiercer than ever. And then number four---here you come in on his attack list---is believers. And that's why Peter says, "He is "your adversary the devil." He certainly attacks Christ and angels, he certainly goes after Israel, but he's also "your adversary the devil." And why yours? Why does he attack you? Because you're the object of God's favor, grace, and love. That's why he attacked Peter and Paul and John and every follower of Jesus Christ from the beginning. How does he do it? What are his tactics? Well, I don't have time to give them all to you in this message, but let me just share a couple.

Number one, the very name "devil" means---do you remember? Slanderer, slanderer. In Revelation, chapter 12, he's called "the accuser of the brethren." When he came to God, he was accusing Job of motive. So one of the ways he tries to attack us is by accusation. He accuses you before God. He accuses God to you. He accuses your brothers and sisters to you, and you to your brother and sister, always trying to divide. He's "the accuser of the brethren." I bet you've even heard some of those accusation in your own mind spill over, things like: "You call yourself a Christian?" Ever heard that? "Who do you think---what are you doing here?" "You think God's going to answer that prayer of yours?" We've heard all of those accusations from our accuser of the brethren.

The second tactic toward believers is what's mentioned in the text: persecution. That's the thrust of the verse 9, please see it. "The same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world." He persecutes believers. You say, "Yeah, but this was 2,000 years ago, certainly not today." Did you know that in the last 100 years, last century, more Christians have been martyred for their faith than the combination of martyrdoms from the time of Jesus up until the last hundred years? All of those centuries combined, the last century has seen more persecution, more martyrdom. So that's his identity, his strategy, and his territory. I have saved the best for last; that is, his frailty.

He can be and must be engaged and he can be defeated. And that's found in these words: "Be sober," verse 8, "be vigilant," also verse 8. Verse 9, "Resist him, steadfast in the faith." Listen, listen, your enemy cannot be ignored. You can't cloister yourself up in a church---that's what he'd want you to do---and just "I don't want to think about the devil." Now some people think too much about him, granted. But you have to engage him. The devil is never too busy to rock the cradle of a sleeping saint. He'd just like you to go, [snoring] "In the jungle [snoring] the mighty jungle the Christian sleeps tonight." [laughter] He must be engaged. It begins here, right here, in the mind where you think. This is your biblical heart inside, and then it has an out-working into your life.

So notice the three things: "Be sober," he says, "Be sober." Some of you may be thinking, "Well, I'm not drunk." [laughter] Well, that's good, but it doesn't mean don't be intoxicated. It's here used metaphorically for "be mentally, spiritually sober." "Be sober-minded," some translations say. It means be self-controlled, be disciplined, think clearly. Let me translate it and how I think the intention is: "Don't allow yourself to be intoxicated by the amusements of this world. Be sober-minded." The battle always begins in the mind, folks, it always begins in the mind. "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he." Every behavioral scientist in the last several decades have said that most people are governed by sub-conscious thought.

So we begin in what we set our minds on, what we think about. We have to think clearly. "Be sober." Number two: "be vigilant." It means be alert, be watchful, be on the lookout, don't fall asleep on the job. I think of Peter and James and John in the garden of Gethsemane. And that was probably still resonating in Peter's head when he wrote this. And Jesus came to him and he said, "Watch and pray, that you enter not into temptation." So watch out. Watch out for what? Watch out for attacks in weak areas. You know what they are. Watch out for that. Watch out that you don't get in a compromising position or a situation where you would be more apt to yield than to resist. Watch out.

So, be sober, be vigilant; third, be resolute, be resolute. Verse 9, "Resist him," resist him. He can be resisted. James, chapter 4, "Resist the devil and he will flee from you." "Resist him, steadfast"---notice what it says. Please read it with me. "Steadfast in the faith." You see the definite article "the"? It's important. He does not say, "Resist him steadfast in faith." He's not talking about your faith, our faith. It's "the faith," which is this: it's the truth embodied in the Scripture. That's "the faith." In Jude, chapter 1, there's only one chapter, verse 3, he said, "Contend earnestly for the faith, once for all delivered to the saints."

He was speaking about the body of truth that has been passed down by the Holy Spirit in the written Word of God. What did Jesus do when the devil assaulted him? Used Scripture, "It is written . . . ," he said, "It is written . . . ," "It is written . . . ." Can I just say, you gotta know what is written before you can say, "It is written . . . ." [laughter] That's why Christians need to know their Bibles, otherwise when we're attacked we're going to be going, "Okay, uh, what is that verse?'God helps those who help themselves.' Ah, that's not even in the Bible. Um, um, 'A good turn goes . . .' No. Wait a minute." "It is written . . . ." The faith is how you resist the devil. I just want to add a fourth. You wouldn't read it, but it is implied, and I'll explain it.

So, be sober, be vigilant, be resolute; here's the fourth, be together. When he writes these little imperatives, these commands, "Be sober, be vigilant," these are commands, imperatives. They're written in the second person plural. In other words, he's writing to a group of people, all y'all. He's not writing to an individual, but to a group. There's a principle in that: be together. Do you know that lions in Africa when they hunt, when there's a herd of animals, they want to isolate an animal from the herd. Once they isolate that animal, they pounce on it. You are safer with the herd. If you think, "I can live a Christian all by myself, live the Christian life." You are dead meat! You need the herd. I need the herd.

But I want to close with this, because otherwise you say, "Yeah, I heard a great sermon. I got an enemy who wants to kill me. Woo-hoo! [ laughter] It feels so good!" Listen, as vicious a lion, as brutal a lion as the enemy is, he's only a second-rate lion. He roars a lot, he sounds so intimating, but he's a second-rate lion. Jesus Christ is called in Scripture the "Lion of the tribe of Judah." And John sees him in the book of Revelation, he said, "I looked and saw the Lion of the tribe of Judah has prevailed." C. S. Lewis wrote a whole series of books, Chronicles of Narnia, and he wrote about the Christ figure in that as Aslan the lion. That's what he was referring to. In Amos, chapter 1, the prophet predicted, "The Lord will roar from Zion," and he did.

When Jesus was on the cross dying in Zion, our lion King, the true lion King roared from Zion these words, he cried out with a loud voice, "It is finished!" He made that proclamation. There was a guy who lost his job, was looking for a job, and couldn't find one. He went to the zoo and the guy said, "We don't have jobs, except I've got an idea. Just the other day our gorilla died. And I was just wondering, you're a pretty big fella and I've got this gorilla suit, would you be willing for a pretty good pay check to dress up and play the part of a gorilla until we can get a new one? He said, "I'd love to. I can do that." So they gave him the gorilla suit and he went in the cage and he started, you know, beating his chest, and banging on the bars, and swinging around.

And people loved it. He was so amusing. In fact, they said he was the most intelligent gorilla they've ever seen. [laughter] Well, the second or third day of this, he kind of got carried away and he was moving and swinging and he swung a little too far and he ended up in the other enclosure, which next to him was the lion enclosure. And he came face-to-face to the lion who started walking. He looked like he was prowling, studying him, ready to pounce. And the guy was just freaking out. His heart's pounding. He's moving back, he's moving back, and he's trying to get over back into his enclosure. But there's no holds on this side like there were on the other side. And so he just yells out, "Help! Help! Help!"

And just then the lion in a quiet whisper says, "Shut up, stupid, or you'll get all of us fired." [laughter] Now, why do I close with that? Well, one, I just was looking for a way to fit that joke into this sermon. [laughter] No, but here's my application: one day Satan the lion is going to get fired. Now I don't mean let go from the job, I mean fired, [laughter] hell, fired. He's going to be fired eternally. John in Revelation sees him "tormented day and night forever." It's one of the best verses in the Bible. Are you kidding? He's going to get his eternally, this malevolent being who has been out to attack God, attack holy angels, kill Jesus Christ, destroy Israel, and neutralize believers, and bring people with him to hell.

He will be the chief victim. Until then he roams around, but until then you can be resolute, sober-minded, alert, clear thinking, disciplined in your thought, watchful, and engaging. "Greater is he that is in you," the Lion of the tribe of Judah, "than he that the in the world." Father, we thank you for these truths. We thank you, Father, for giving us the scoop in your Word about who this enemy is, and what he does, and what we can do, and how we can stand, in Jesus' name, amen.

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A Pebble, a Boulder & a Solid Foundation
1 Peter 1:1
Skip Heitzig
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Peter is the most famous of the apostles, even though he only wrote two short epistles in the New Testament. But of all the early followers of Christ, Peter is perhaps the most relatable to us since he demonstrates all the weaknesses and failures we see in ourselves. But Peter's personal life and his writings become a composite model of "strength through trust." Any weak, wobbly, failure-ridden person can become Rock Solid through Christ.
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The Underpinnings of a Rock-Solid Life
1 Peter 1:2
Skip Heitzig
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Peter skillfully lays the foundational basis for the Christian life to his readers in a single verse. We've been picked by God, placed in His family, and promised future benefits. For anyone who has ever struggled with a weak faith, these truths can be transforming. In this introduction to Peter's letter, let's unpack the meaning of these encouraging realities.
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Stepping Stones of the New Birth
1 Peter 1:3-5
Skip Heitzig
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"Born again" wasn't a term invented by the popular press or religious fundamentalists. It was something Jesus told Nicodemus must happen for anyone to enter heaven (see John 3:3). Peter certainly heard that term from Jesus and speaks of it here (as well as in 1 Peter 1:23). It's a term synonymous with being saved and having eternal life. What does this new birth provide? In a word—solidity! Coming to Christ brings hope, inheritance, and power.
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Why We Hate Trials (And Why We Love Them)
1 Peter 1:6-7
Skip Heitzig
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If the trials of life could only exist by popular demand, we would have voted them away long ago. People, by and large, hate suffering of any kind. Here in the Western world, we have made it our aim to mitigate against any form of it by a multitude of distractions and experiences. There is even a theology that seeks to say God never wants us to suffer—ever. Let's look at five reasons why we hate (and love) trials, and consider how they can be used to make us better people.
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Rock Solid Relationship or Relationship on the Rocks?
1 Peter 1:8-9
Skip Heitzig
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Why do we insist that having a relationship with God is not the same as being a religious person? How is a relationship with Him even possible, since He is GOD and thus is unique from all other creatures? Today, the answer to that will be made simple as we consider the simplest components of any relationship, including a relationship with God.
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Our Bedrock Salvation
1 Peter 1:10-12
Skip Heitzig
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God has always planned on saving you. You were never an afterthought or a last-minute consideration. Not only have you been chosen before time began (1 Peter 1:2), but throughout the ages your salvation has been expected and planned for. The spokesmen of the Old Testament wrote about Jesus’ coming and the new covenant of grace, which you are now a part of. All this makes our salvation more secure than ever, built on the bedrock of His promises.
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How to Walk in the Dark
1 Peter 1:13-18
Skip Heitzig
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Holiness is an uncomfortable subject for most believers. We have no problem assigning holiness to God as we sing, “You Are Holy, Oh Lord!” But our minds get muddled when we think of our own holiness because we don’t want to appear holier than thou. So what does it mean to be holy? And how can we live holy lives around unholy people? In short, how can we be “children of light” (Ephesians 5:8) while walking in a dark world?
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Where You Fit in God's Plan
1 Peter 1:18-21
Skip Heitzig
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God's plan always involves people, and you are one of those people. God's plan includes you. Just think of it. God had you in mind when He put His plan together for the whole world. So where do you fit in that plan? When did this plan have its beginning? How much did this plan cost, and what is your part in it? Today we make that discovery by noting five vital truths:
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Rock Solid Love
1 Peter 1:22-2:3
Skip Heitzig
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Peter's love for his Friend and Lord, Jesus Christ, was at one time on shaky ground when he denied that he even knew Jesus. His love would even get questioned by Christ later on (John 21:15-17). But now Peter knows that love for Christ and love for His people is all part of the same package. A relationship with God includes an affection for God's people. Four components of a rock-solid love are given by the very man who learned what true love is.
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Got Milk?
1 Peter 2:1-3
Skip Heitzig
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Babies need milk to survive and to thrive. And newborn babies need and crave it a lot. So too, those who have been spiritually born-again need spiritual milk so that they can grow and be mature. As believers grow, they will begin to enjoy more solid spiritual food. But here Peter is addressing our appetites?those things we desire and crave. He gives us a three-part instruction that will curb and train our appetites in such a way that maximum growth will be achieved.
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This Old House
1 Peter 2:4-10
Skip Heitzig
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God has been building His "house" since He first made the world. This is not a physical home nor a temple of worship as much as an assembly of peoples whom He has gathered to Himself. The stones He chooses are human beings in relationship to Christ, the cornerstone foundation. Let's consider God's site-plan for this construction project today.
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Maximum Impact
1 Peter 2:11-12
Skip Heitzig
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How can Christ-followers make the most meaningful impact on the unbelieving world? That was in Peter's mind when he wrote this letter to scattered believers facing hostility from their neighbors. Four principles that transcend time stand out here; these will encourage us and empower us as we seek to influence our world for Christ and leave a lasting impression.
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The World's Hardest Activity
1 Peter 2:13-17
Skip Heitzig
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Some people are just gifted at music or naturally talented with their hands. Others find that sports come easy, while others can perform math functions with total ease. But there is something that practically everyone finds difficult and that is submission. To abdicate our will to that of another, even for the sake of order and peace, is extremely tough. But there are higher goals and loftier purposes for believers to live submissive lives.
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Take This Job and Love It
1 Peter 2:18-21
Skip Heitzig
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I want to make you a promise today: If you can learn and master the four principles in our text, your job will never be the same. The tedium, tension, and labor will give way to a higher motive that will bring authentic joy and deep satisfaction. As Peter addresses slaves in the ancient Roman world, let?s apply it to a much more modern and humane situation?your place of employment.
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You Remind Me of Someone!
1 Peter 2:21-25
Skip Heitzig
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Whom do you remind people of? At work or in society at large, is it evident that you are a Christ-follower? Jesus is always our supreme example for how to live a godly life in an ungodly world. Peter told us that we should submit to government as well as to management, and now he tells us why we should—because Jesus did and He's the one we follow.
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The Irresistible Beauty of a Tender Heart
1 Peter 3:1-6
Skip Heitzig
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The most attractive people in the world are those who display depth of character and pleasant personalities. Solomon insisted that “[outward] beauty is passing” (Proverbs 31:30). As Peter speaks to a common issue in the early church (Christian wives married to unbelieving husbands), he also gives us three marks of a tenderhearted woman: in her actions, attitudes, and admiration.
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The Four-Sided Fortress of a Husband's Love
1 Peter 3:7
Skip Heitzig
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If life is to be rock solid, then family relationships—especially marriage—must be rock solid. No wonder Peter speaks to husbands after addressing wives. In his directive toward submission, he addresses citizens (and not government officials); he addresses servants (and not their masters). But when it comes to the home, he addresses both wives and husbands. Let's consider how a husband's love can make a woman feel firmly secure.
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How to Attract Flies
1 Peter 3:8-12
Skip Heitzig
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The old saying "You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar" fits perfectly with Peter's letter. He's been telling Christians how to live in plain view of the unbelieving world. Now he goes into the church and tells us how to treat each other. It's his hope that an exhibition of real, Christian love will provide a base of satisfying fellowship for us and attract unbelievers. But how?
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When Holiness Meets Hostility
1 Peter 3:13-17
Skip Heitzig
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Faith is not neutral. It’s a powerful and dynamic force that changes behavior (if it is genuine faith). Unbelief is also a powerful force, and when believers try to live out their faith in an unbelieving environment, there are some predictable and unavoidable results. Let’s consider four truths from Peter’s pen that will be helpful when God’s holy people meet up with a hostile world.
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A Reason for Every "Ouch!"
1 Peter 3:18-22
Skip Heitzig
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Perhaps the most common word in our language is the tiny word, "Ouch!" Every day, it's repeatedly expressed in variant forms around the world. It's a word that conveys pain and suffering. Peter’s audience knew all about suffering, but they didn't always know how it could actually be used for anything good. Christ's own sufferings provide the best example of both the power and usefulness of suffering.
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The Invisible War
1 Peter 3:18-22
Skip Heitzig
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In every war, strategy plays a role. Each side plans and makes movements in accordance to what it learns about the other side’s tactics. If information is leaked, a counteroffensive can be launched. This can be seen in the grand and most profound war of the universe: The Invisible War. In this battle, Satan and his minions wage war against God, His angels, and His people. We’ll consider it by looking again at one of the most enigmatic texts in the New Testament. Let’s unravel it.
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Should I Get Soaking Wet?
1 Peter 3:20-21
Skip Heitzig
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So what's the deal with baptism? Why do Christians practice it? What does it have to do with my relationship to God? Peter raised the issue of baptism in this letter, but he tied it into what happened during the time of Noah and the great flood. What on earth could one have to do with the other? Let's unravel these verses and then relate them to our current understanding of Christian baptism. Does this really save a person?
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Just Counting Time or Making Time Count?
1 Peter 4:1-6
Skip Heitzig
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There is a certain amount of time allotted to us all, and we all decide how we are going to spend it. But none of us knows exactly how much of it we have left. So a huge question for all of us is: What will you do with the time you have left? Some never face that issue honestly, thinking that they'll always have plenty of time. Today, let's consider four solid principles that will make the time you have left really count.
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Living Like There's No Tomorrow
1 Peter 4:7-11
Skip Heitzig
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People have been predicting the end of the world since the beginning of the world. But Scripture declares there will be an end. For some, their world could end this week or this year when death pays them a visit. But with whatever time we have left, we should live with a sense of imminence and anticipation that God's kingdom is around the corner. What elements can make our lives stronger as we await the end of the age?
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The Dos and Don'ts of Suffering
1 Peter 4:12-19
Skip Heitzig
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Pain and suffering dominate our world. To some, that poses an insurmountable roadblock to faith in a good and loving God. How can a loving God let such unlovely things happen all around the globe every day for millennia? Not only is this a deal breaker for unbelievers, but it presents a quandary for believers who want to make sense out of everything in life. The apostle Peter weighed in on these issues in a very personal way to his fellow Christians.
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Profile of a Good Shepherd
1 Peter 5:1-4
Skip Heitzig
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"The church needs leaders who serve and servants who lead." So said one notable pastor. Peter doesn't address just the suffering flock of believers in this letter; he also has encouragement for the leaders of the flock—the pastors. What are the characteristics of a shepherd who serves among God's flock? What are his responsibilities, and how can a church flourish under such leadership? Here, Peter places himself and fellow shepherds under the microscope.
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The Upright Walk of a Bowed-Down Man
1 Peter 5:5-7
Skip Heitzig
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One website I came across recently stated that "the more in control you are of your life, the more assured and confident you'll become." The same website warned readers to not trust others. That is, unfortunately, the by-product of our proud world. But walking among others means we sometimes need to bend low in humility for the sake of solidarity and unity. Peter's words on this are timeless.
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A Rock-Solid Finish
1 Peter 5:10-14
Skip Heitzig
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Peter ended his letter with a few nuggets of distilled truth. In just a couple of verses, he concentrated everything he had already said. To his suffering audience, Peter offered assurance of God’s perfect plan that began when they trusted in Christ and wouldn’t end until they were firmly secure in the glories of heaven. Though pain is part of the process of perfection, the finish line is worth it!
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Building a Forever Faith
2 Peter 1:1-11
Skip Heitzig
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To build a home or a commercial building requires having the right people and the right materials in place. There is a critical path for the work to follow. And there are blueprints and building codes for the builders to follow. It's the same when it comes to building a spiritual life. As Peter began his second letter, he spoke to the need of spiritual growth. To build a "forever faith," Peter shared four important principles to build successfully.
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How to Live and Die Well
2 Peter 1:12-15
Skip Heitzig
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Peter lived his life knowing the brevity of it. Here, he wrote as an older man in his seventies. Realizing there was more road behind him than ahead of him, he gave a model for us. Essentially we have here an excellent example of how to live well and how to die well. Let's answer the question How can I live and die well? by considering four keys passed along by Peter himself.
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Is It True? How Can I Know?
2 Peter 1:16-21
Skip Heitzig
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Truth is a slippery word. Definitions get assigned to it that are contradictory, purely individual, and without any validation. Peter wanted his readers to know things. He was giving them truth that was both personally familiar and prophetically verifiable. How can we today know that what we believe in and hope for is actually true?
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Watch Out for Fakes!
2 Peter 2:1-14
Skip Heitzig
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Counterfeiting has become a multibillion-dollar industry that extends all around the world. Fake jewelry, fake purses, fake paintings, and, yes, even fake medicines are sold as if they’re the genuine articles, when they are cheap (though amazingly real-looking) imitations. It’s the same when it comes to truth. What makes a false teacher of false teaching? Peter gave three recommendations in dealing with such counterfeits.
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Caution: Ruts Ahead!
2 Peter 2:15-22
Skip Heitzig
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The quality, comfort, and success of a journey depend largely on the conditions of the road, the company you keep, and the destination you’re heading for. False teachers and their devotees guarantee a perilous voyage and a bad finish! Today we are challenged to live cautiously as we make progress in our journey of faith and to watch out for ruts.
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Look, Jesus Is Coming!
2 Peter 3:1-10
Skip Heitzig
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The second coming of Jesus Christ will be the greatest day in humankind’s history. The promise of His return to rule the world He created has been what believers have longed for the last 2,000 years. Jesus’ return will be the solution to every social, moral, political, and spiritual issue and problem. But what do other people (besides Christian believers) think about such a notion? And, as we wait for His return, what should we look for, and where ought we to be looking?
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Breaking Up Camp and Moving On
2 Peter 3:10-18
Skip Heitzig
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We have studied both letters of Peter and have seen how anyone whose life would otherwise be weak, wobbly, and failure ridden can become Rock Solid through Christ. This is vital since life in this world is dynamic, shifting, and transitory. This world is passing; its glory is fading. Thus, anyone who places all their energy and hope in this life alone will be disappointed. Today, as we end our series, we consider where we are eventually headed and how to arrive safely.
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There are 35 additional messages in this series.
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