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Destination: Proverbs 1-31 - Proverbs 1-31

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Flight twenty-nine over the Bible from 30,000 Feet will take us over the entire book of Proverbs. Known for the wisdom it contains, Proverbs reveals to us how to deal with every day situations; be it love and lust, life and death, friends and enemies, and what our God loves and hates. On this flight, Pastor Skip will point out some of the most noted chapters and verses of one of the most read books of the Old Testament. The key chapters to review are Proverbs 1-2, 5, 14, 22, and 31.

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Destination: Proverbs 1-31
Proverbs 1-31
Skip Heitzig
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Flight twenty-nine over the Bible from 30,000 Feet will take us over the entire book of Proverbs. Known for the wisdom it contains, Proverbs reveals to us how to deal with every day situations; be it love and lust, life and death, friends and enemies, and what our God loves and hates. On this flight, Pastor Skip will point out some of the most noted chapters and verses of one of the most read books of the Old Testament. The key chapters to review are Proverbs 1-2, 5, 14, 22, and 31.
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Bible from 30,000 Feet, The

Bible from 30,000 Feet, The

Have you ever wanted to learn how The Bible fits together? The Bible from 30,000 Feet is an overview study through the entire Bible, hitting the highlights of its people, places, events and themes in about a year. This series will give you a coherent understanding of the holy word of God.

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DESTINATION: Proverbs 1-31

The Book of Proverbs is part of the "wisdom literature," with Job & Ecclesiastes. It is one of the most read books of the Old Testament. It is also one of the most practical, as it deals with widsom as we need it in our everyday lives. Proverbs contains more than 900 wise sayings by King Solomon and other authors. Throughout Proverbs we can find clusters of wisdom presented as the lessons of a teacher to his students pitting virtue against vice. Examples are wisdom and folly, justice and vengeance, poverty and wealth, friends and neighbors, love and lust, life and death, pride and humility, what God loves and what He hates.


931 B.C.
Solomon's Proverbs completed

715-686 B.C.
Chapters 25-29 collected by Hezekiah


The Book of Proverbs is more than just good advice or tips. It is God's words of wisdom that we need in order to live righteously. These Proverbs are universal principles that apply to all people for all times, because they speak of the character of God and the nature of man -- neither of which has changed.

Proverbs is the greatest "How to" book ever written, and those who have the good sense to take Solomon's lessons to heart will quickly discover godliness, prosperity, and contentment are theirs for the asking.

Proverbs can be divided into three parts.
  1. Commendation of Wisdom 1:1-7
  2. Counsel of Wisdom 1:8-29:27
  3. Comparisons of Wisdom 30:1-31:31


Proverbs 1:5 - "A wise man will hear and increase learning, and a man of understanding will attain wise counsel."

Proverbs 1:7 - "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction."

Proverbs 4:5 - "Get wisdom! Get understanding! Do not forget, nor turn away from the words of my mouth."

Proverbs 8:13,14 - "The fear of the LORD is to hate evil; Pride and arrogance and the evil way and the perverse mouth I hate. Counsel is mine, and sound wisdom; I am understanding, I have strength."


Israel – The land God promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob – and to David and his throne forever. At the time of Solomon, the kingdom of Israel had not yet divided. It is here where Solomon wrote his wise sayings. It is also the central location of all prophecy.

Sheol - In Hebrew it means "The abode of the dead." Sheol was where the dead went to rest, both the righteous and unrighteous. It was separated into two compartments. One was a place of torment (Hades) and the other a place of comfort (Abraham's Bosom).

Judah - Proverbs 25 begins the proverbs of Solomon compiled by King Hezekiah of Judah, which was the Southern Kingdom after Israel was divided. Judah was the home of two of the twelve tribes, Judah and Benjamin, as well as the home of the city of God, Jerusalem.


Solomon - The son of David and Bathsheba, and the third king of Israel, but the last to rule the Unified Kingdom. Solomon reigned over Israel for forty years, during which time he wrote more than 900 proverbs. He was also referred to as Jedidiah which means "beloved of the Lord."

Hezekiah - The son of Ahaz, and one of the greatest kings to reign upon the throne of Judah. It was Hezekiah who prayed to the Lord to extend his life, and he was granted fifteen more years. Chapter 25 of Proverbs tells us it was Hezekiah who compiled the writings of Solomon and added Proverbs 25-29 to the book.

Agur - The son of Jakeh. Agur was the author of the 30th chapter of Proverbs. Some speculate that this may have been Solomon himself.

King Lemuel - The author of the 31st and final chapter of Proverbs. There is much debate as to the identity of this mysterious king. Some have suggested that it is Solomon, while others assert it is Hezekiah. Yet others believe it to be a fanciful title to represent any virtuous king.


31 Proverbs - It is an interesting fact that Proverbs contains 31 chapters, and the longest months in our calendar have 31 days. There are many people who have formed the habit of reading one chapter for every day of the month. "A Proverb a day will keep the Devil away."

Solomon - According to 1 Kings 4:32 Solomon spoke 3,000 proverbs and wrote 1,005 songs. However, only 800 of those proverbs appear in the collection that makes up the Book of Proverbs. Solomon also authored Ecclesiastes and The Song of Solomon.

Christ in the Proverbs - In chapter 8, wisdom is personified and seen in its perfection. It is divine, the source of biological and spiritual life; it is righteous and moral and available to all who receive it. Colossians 2:3 states of Christ Jesus: "in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge."

Proverb Defined - A proverb is a short, pithy saying that usually draws a comparison between two forms of behavior in order to impart moral or religious wisdom to its receiver. The sayings in Proverbs are often addressed to young people, who are in the process of becoming wise. It is likely that the Book of Proverbs formed part of the education for
Hebrew youth after the Israelite exile and return to the promised land.

Benefits of Wisdom - Wisdom notes, "The Lord created me at the beginning of his work. . .Then I was beside him, like a master worker" (8:22–30). Wisdom also affirms, "For whoever finds me finds life, and obtains favor from the Lord" (8:35). Wisdom is the source of life, a helper in creation, and a mediator between God and humankind. By assigning Wisdom a feminine quality, Proverbs suggests that femininity, in addition to masculinity, should be an important way in which we think about the order of the world.


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Father, tonight as we continue marching through the pages of scripture and now in this Book of Wisdom, the Book of Proverbs, though we are unable to really plum its depths. As we survey at tonight, we pray that as Solomon was given wisdom, we also ask for wisdom in the times in which we live, you said in your word, "If anyone lack wisdom, let him ask of God who gives liberally, freely, and without reproach." So we ask in faith that you would give us wisdom, like the men of Issachar to understand their times and to know what to do. We pray Lord that part of our worship in listening to your word tonight would be rewarding, in Jesus name. Amen.

The Book of Proverbs, if you haven't turn there, turn over to chapter one. Somebody estimated that if you were to gauge, measure accumulated knowledge from the beginning of recorded history to 1845 and you measured it by one inch, so that one inch represents all of the knowledge accumulated from the beginning of recorded history to 1845 then the knowledge from 1845 to 1945, a hundred years later that had been learned in that period of time would be three inches. And that the knowledge gained from 1945 to 1975, 30 years later, would be the height of the Washington Monument in Washington DC, because we are exponentially increasing facts and knowledge. So since 1975 to 2008 is somewhere up in space. Isaac Asimov, the scientist, once said, "Based at the rate of knowledge growing today, by the time today's child reaches 50 years of age, 97% of everything known in the world at that time will have been learned since his birth."

Now we have turned to the Book of Proverbs; one of the most frequented books, one of the most read books in the Old Testament. I would say, next to the Book of Psalms, this book ranks right up there with familiarity among Christian believers. In fact, I actually know a guy who used to think, the last book in the New Testament was Proverbs, because you have seen those little New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs, he swore that was the last book in the Bible. That only goes to show that, along with the New Testament, we love to read the Psalms and the Proverbs.

Now the Book of Proverbs is the third of the five poetic books in the Old Testament. So we have Job, Psalms, and now Proverbs and after this, there will be two more. This is also the first book written by Solomon, there is going to be three altogether, two after this but this is the first written by the son of David, King Solomon. Now, King Solomon was quite a guy. We remember him from our studies way back but he penned with his own pen 3,000 proverbs. We only have a sampling in this book, just a little over 500 but he wrote over 3,000 proverbs and 1,005 psalms and we have a just a sampling that is recorded here in this book.

The word 'proverb' in our language, the English word, comes from a Latin word, 'proverbium'. Now let me explain it to you because as we take these two words that have been put together, we understand what a proverb is. Proverbium; 'pro' means 'on behalf of' or 'instead of' and 'verba', verb or words, 'instead of words'. So what you have in a proverb is a short saying instead of a whole lot of words, a pithy saying, we would call it an epigram, or a maxim or an aphorism. That's what a proverb is; it's a short statement that takes the place of long words.

Spanish novelist, Cervantes said, "It's a short saying based on long experience." Now every culture has proverbs. We have our own proverbs and you know them. For instance, "Nothing ventured, nothing gains". Yeah, I knew that you know it. "Don't throw the baby out with the bath water", "Look before you leave", "Don't Make a Mountain Out of a --" and there are many other such proverbs that every culture including ours has.

Now what's different is these proverbs are inspired by God. They are not just good advice; this is God's advice. This is inspired scripture that we look at and I would recommend that you look at them daily. What's great about Proverbs is it's divided up into 31 chapters and every month has about 30 or 31 days and if you were to read a proverb a day, for instance, I read this morning, Proverbs 26 as part of my daily Bible reading because you have these sayings and when you read, visit them every month, they are like little tiny verbal bombs that detonate in your brain. They are able to just make the great impact and they are easy to memorize because of the way that they are written, but these are inspired by God.

Now, to divide the book or outline the book is a little tough. You can do it linguistically but there is really no thread of topic that flows through the book, it's sort of like a mishmash of different things put together. But there are certain divisions that I will just make you aware of and then we will disregard them for our study tonight. But linguistically, you can see how the book is divided because at the beginning of every section, it gives you a little banner statement, "These are the proverbs of Solomon," and that's in Chapter 1, also in Chapter 10, so chapters 1 through 9 sort of form a block together. Chapters 10 through 24 form a second block with another subheading; "These are the proverbs of Solomon," and there are four of those. So I am going to divide it up this way; Chapters 1 through 9 are principles from Solomon, principles from Solomon especially to those who are young.

There is the repeated phrase in this section, "My son, my son," it's a father teaching his son. In fact, Halley in his Bible Handbook says, "This is the best guidebook to success that a young man can follow." Chapters 1 through 9 are these principles from Solomon toward the young. Then Chapters 10 through 24 are proverbs of Solomon and these proverbs of Solomon will contrast the righteous versus the wicked; the wise versus the foolish. And then Chapters 25 through 29 are precepts by Solomon. Now he wrote them but he didn't compile that section and there is little subheading that says that King Hezekiah basically commissioned a literary group to take some of the other proverbs of Solomon and place them in this sections and that's the third section of Proverbs.

Then the last two chapters are written not at all by Solomon but by a guy named Agur, A-G-U-R, and King Lemuel, we have no idea really who that was but their names are given in those last two. Let's look at Chapter 1, Verse 1. We have the mission statement given right off the bat, "The proverbs of Solomon, the son David, the king of Israel, to know wisdom and instruction; to perceive the words of understanding; to receive instruction of wisdom, justice, judgment and equity; to give prudence to the simple," a better translation might be "to the naïve", "to the young man knowledge and discretion. A wise man will hear, and increase learning; and a man of understanding will attain wise counsel."

There is something you notice about a wise man or woman, they are always learning, they are never content. They never say, "Don't tell me; I already know these things." They are always open to increase their knowledge, they grow in it. The Talmud said, "He who adds not to his learning only diminishes it." And so here you have the proverb, "A wise man will hear and increase in learning; a man of understanding will attend wise counsel," and then Verse 6, "To understand a proverb and am enigma; the words of the wise and their riddles."

You will notice in proverbs or you already have noticed in reading them that the word 'wise' and 'wisdom' are often repeated in this book. In fact, 1025 times in this book those words appear; either wise or wisdom and that really is the overarching theme of the book, isn't it, to acquire and apply God's wisdom for daily living. So we have an increase in knowledge if you were to look back from 1845 to 1945 to 1975 to 2008, we are exponentially growing in knowledge but where is the wisdom to go along with it. That's really the issue.

Yeah, we have a lot of facts and we can google anything and get instant information but it's the wisdom to deal with the knowledge that we have that is the key, and Proverbs is full of such wisdom. Now just for fun, I looked up wisdom in good-old Webster's dictionary and I found it's a very different definition than the Bible definition. Here is Webster, "Wisdom is accumulated, philosophic, or scientific learning i.e. knowledge." So, one of Webster's definitions is that wisdom and knowledge are tantamount to the same thing; acquired and accumulated, scientific and philosophic knowledge learning.

The Bible has a very different definition. The Bible definition presupposes that God is in the mix. If you take God out of the mix, according to the Bible, you will lose the foundational definition of wisdom. For the Bible says, "It's the fool that has said in his heart, there is no God" or literally no God; there maybe when I just don't want anything to do with him, is the idea. The fool has said in his heart, no God.

In the Hebrew language, the word 'wise' is Hakham and the word 'wisdom' is Hokmah, same root, same difference basically; Hakham and Hokmah. What it literally means is someone who is skilled or someone who is an expert, it originally refer to somebody who was trained up in a discipline and they knew that discipline very well; they were experts in their field, that's wisdom.

When you apply it here and you see it through the lens of the Book of Proverbs, those two terms, 'wise' and 'wisdom' could be defined as this: Having the expertise to live well. It's the skill set to live well and expert at godly living is the idea. Something you discover about wisdom as you go through this book; wisdom is not necessarily directly proportional to your IQ. It's not directly proportional to your SAT scores. Aren't you glad about that? And it's not necessarily directly proportional to your age; you can be an older fool. You can live a long time but not gather the skill set to live well.

Charles Haddon Spurgeon wrote, "In the Church of God, there are children who are 70 years old." Yes, little children displaying all of the infirmities of declining years. One would not like to say of a man of 80 that he has scarcely cut his wisdom teeth and yet, there are such. On the other hand, there are Fathers in the Church of God: wise, stable, instructed, who are comparatively young men. The Lord can cause His people to grow rapidly and to far outstrip their years.

Okay, that's sort of the introduction of the book. That's the purpose statement of the book. But because the book isn't laid out in any kind of systemic form in terms of topic and because we are doing this from 30,000 feet, this is a weekly fly-over of each book. What we are going to do tonight is notice the prominent mountain peaks in the book. There are several themes and sub-themes and we don't have time for all but the ones that loomed the largest, I want to cover four mountain peaks. To do that, we are going to camp on a section of scripture in each four but then because there are all of the truths regarding that mountain peak or topic aren't all in the same section but are scattered throughout. We are going to have to pull those stones of wisdom and put them altogether. So, here's the first mountain peak that we are going to cover and I want you to turn to Chapter 1, right where we are at.

"It's the fear of the Lord versus the fear of man." The fear of the Lord versus the fear of man; this is one of the most prominent themes in this book. In fact, I like to see this as the grid through which we filter everything in life, that's why it's put right upfront. Verse 7, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge;" Later on in the same book, it will say, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." "But fools despise wisdom and instruction." So, the fear of the Lord is the beginning, a better translation, the most important part or the chief part or the summit as one old translation puts it. It's the summit of all knowledge. It's the most important component of what you learn in life; the fear of the Lord.

There are 18 references to the fear of the Lord in the Book of Proverbs. 18 separate occasions is referred to, 50 times throughout the Bible, "the fear of the Lord comes up." Well, when God repeats Himself 50 times, I think it's important. So here's a question; what is it exactly? What does it mean the fear of the Lord? We have all heard that, some of us have heard our parents say, "I am going to put the fear of God in you" and so we don't think of that as an endearing term, something that we want to get acquainted with.

Let me tell you what it's not first; it's not a superstitious dread of God as if God is frowning all the time from heaven and just can't wait for you to mess up so he can strike you down. That's not the fear of the Lord. The Hebrew term, fear of the Lord, yirat Yahweh is the Hebrew. It speaks of reverence. It was a term early on applied to how children treat mom and dad. In Leviticus, "children revere," yare is the word. "Revere your father and your mother."

So here is what I think is the best definition of the fear of the Lord as defined in the scripture. It is a reverential awe that produces humble submission to our loving God. Once again, reverential awe that produces humble submission to our loving God. The only dread is that we would displease God. It's built on relationship, not on rules. It's because we love Him, we relate to Him, for what He has done for us, He has redeemed us, we are His children. Because of that relationship, we are fearful; we are in dread of doing something that would displease Him. Why, because we love Him in response to His love for us. So, when we are in that relationship, we have a reverence and awe, a holiness. It's the response that it produces humble submission to our loving God.

Now, when you have it, it does something for you. First of all, it will keep you from evil. Proverbs, Chapter 16, Verse 6, "By the fear of the Lord one departs from evil." That will keep you away from things you shouldn't be involved in. How do I stop doing that habit? Develop a fear of the Lord. That's the beginning, that's the chief part, that's the summit of knowledge and wisdom.

Proverbs, 8:13 says, "The fear of the Lord is to hate evil: pride, arrogance, and the evil way." I tell you who comes to mind when I think of this. Little Joseph in Egypt, you know the story; he was sold by his brothers as a slave, first to the Midianites then to the Egyptians. When Potiphar's wife, remember the story, try to get him in bed, when nobody was home, Joseph was young, hormones were raging, nobody was looking, he knew God was looking. He knew he wasn't alone in that house and he said to Potiphar's wife when she said, "Come to bed with me." He said. "How can I do this great wickedness and sin against God?"

You can look this way and you can look that way and nobody is there looking but don't forget to look up, and he got that. It was that reverential awe that produced humble submission to our loving God that kept him from that situation. So it will keep you from evil. Second thing it will do for you, it will increase your quality of life. It will increase. It's what Jesus called an abundant life, "I have come that they may have life and have it to the max." That's my translation of more abundantly. You can live life turned up to ten by the fear of the Lord. You want the quality of life develop the fear of the Lord.

Proverbs 14:27 says, "The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life, to turn one away from the snares of death." Then there is Proverbs 14:26, the verse right before that, "In the fear of the Lord is strong confidence, and His children will have a place of refuge."

Think of Abraham bringing his son Isaac to the top of Mt. Moriah, absolutely confident in God. Did you understand the situation? No. Did it make sense that he would take the son that came miraculously, that was the only son of promise up to a mountain and plunge a knife in him? No, but God said, "Do it." So we thought, I will do it, God will resurrect him if he needs to.

But he had strong confidence and when he acted on that obedience by the fear of the Lord, the angel came and stopped him. Do you remember what the angel said? He said, "Don't lay your hand on the lad, for now I know that you fear God." So, it will keep you from evil. It will increase your quality of life. That's the first mountain peak and that theme runs 18 different times through the Book of Proverbs. This is one of the mega themes of the book.

The second mountain top I want to drive your attention to, you can turn over to Proverb 6, "Is the diligent person versus the lazy person." The diligent person versus the lazy person. I heard about one guy who was actually in a cartoon that I read. I think it was a Peanuts cartoon and one of the character said, "I love work. I can sit and watch it for hours." That's the lazy person and you will see what I mean. Look at Proverb 6, Verse 6, "Go to the ant, you sluggard;" you slothful person would be another translation, you hater of work. "Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise. Which having no captain, overseer, or ruler, provides her supplies in the summer and gathers her food in the harvest. How long will you slumber, O sluggard? When will you rise from your sleep? A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep; and so shall your poverty come on you like a prowler, and your need like an armed man."

I do think and Proverbs bears this out that as believers, as followers of God, as redeemed ones by Christ, we should be concerned about the quality of the work that we do. We should be able to tell our employer or would be employer, "You hire me and I will be the best worker you got." I actually remember doing that after reading Proverbs, I was looking for a job in radiology that was my discipline in medicine, years ago in California. I went to a perspective hospital and there weren't any job openings and so I said to the Head of the Department, I said, "Look," because he said, "We will call you." I said, "Look, I know a lot of people are vying for this job. If you hire me, I will be the best worker in this department." He looked at me and said, "You got the job."

So now I went home thinking, now I have to produce, now I have to keep my word, now I am going to be scrutinized more than ever before because I told them I am a Christian and I told them I will work harder. But isn't that how we ought to be? Shouldn't we be able to say right upfront, "You hired a child of God, you are going to get the best possible worker you can find for your money." Diligent!

Now something about work I just want to clear out because every now and then I will hear people say, "Well, you know, work is a curse. It's because man fail that God curse us with work." It's not work that's a curse; it's the sweat of the brow created by work, that is the curse. In fact, as soon as God created man, the first thing He did was employ him, He placed him in the garden to tend it and to keep it. One of the Ten Commandments, it says, "Six days you shall labor and do all your work." So, work happened and was assigned to man before the fall not after the fall, the curse was the sweat of the brow but even part of that top ten list of God is that for six days, we are to be workers and to work diligently.

Now, as we compare the diligent versus the lazy person and Proverbs it's very colorful with these comparisons and contrast. A lazy person is someone who doesn't finish things. Listen to this description, this is Proverbs 12, Verse 27, "The lazy man does not roast what he took in hunting." Okay there again, there is a proverb, there is a short saying based on long experience. Here is a picture of a guy who finally gets up enough courage and enough strength to get up out of bed and okay, I will go hunting, and he gets out there and he kills his game, and then he says, "I am done now." "But now you got it, all you got to do is cook it." "I don't want to cook it. It's like too much work." But you already killed it. It's yours.

What an apt colorful picture of someone who is lazy! "A lazy man doesn't roast what he took in hunting." Listen to this description. This is Proverbs 19, Verse 24, "A lazy man buries his hand in the bull, and will not so much as bring it to his mouth again." Goodness gracious! He has got his cereal in front of him and takes a bite. That's pretty bad. Isn't that? He won't finish things, he start something, doesn't finish it. There is another mark of the lazy person; he refuses to face things. He has always got an excuse. Ever known somebody with a whole list of excuses; it's too cold, it's too hot, it's too far, it's too hard, there is always an excuse.

Proverbs 22, Verse 13, "The lazy man says, there is a lion outside, I shall be slain in the streets." Again, Proverbs 20, Verse 4, "The lazy man will not plow because of winter; he will beg during harvest and have nothing." So here's a guy who rationalizes his laziness. I can't do it because there is this obstacle. So, he's got an excuse. It was Billy Sunday who said, "An excuse is simply the skin of a reason stuffed with a lie."

Okay, here is another description; Proverbs 26, Verse 14, "As the door turns on its hinges, so the lazy man on his bed." That's in fact hilarious. There is only one kind of movement a door does, it just turns this way and turns that way, stuck by the hinges. That is how lazy guy, the only movement he makes is this side and that side. It's like the kid who said, "I always do my exercises every morning as soon as I wake up; it's up down, up down, up down, and then I say, okay, now for the other eyelid; up down, up down." This is the lazy man who turns on the bed.

So, the Christian worker should be someone not marked for laziness; marked for diligence, excellence. You know that when you hire that person or when you ask that believer to do a task because it's going to get done with integrity and excellence. It is going to get fully done. I have always been intrigued by the Stradivarius violin not because I can play one, not because I know a lot about them but it was the philosophy of Antonio Stradivarius that has always moved me.

He said that he was a believer in God and he said that he was a staunch Christian and he said this. He said, "God needs violins to send His music out into the world. That's why, any violin leaving my shop must be as near perfect as humanly possible." And he sought to instill that mindset in his employees and his workers. Anything that gets released with my name on it, Antonio Stradivarius, must be near perfect as humanly possible because God needs to send His music out into the world and he said, "If my violins are defective then God's music will be spoilt."

It's a good way to live in any product you make and any job you hold. There is a third mountain peak in the Book of Proverbs. We have covered two, there is a third. Stay in Chapter 6, because it's close and there are several others we will refer to, but now is the difference between the good mouth and the bad mouth; a wholesome tongue, and a non-wholesome tongue; good words and bad words. And that is another mega theme throughout this book. In fact, the terms, tongue, lips, mouth, and words appear in the Book of Proverbs 150 times.

Okay, now right about now, everybody here is starting to get a little restless because this is a subject that we all deal with, right? We all deal with this, don't we? This is an issue for every one of us. Even James said, "No one can tame the tongue." And the first time we all read that we said, "Yes and Amen." But it can be given over to the Lord, there can be a spirit controlled life and one of the evidence will be a tongue that is wholesome.

Chapter 6, Verse16, there is a very important anchor text for this. "There are six things the Lord hates." Now stop right there. Any time you read statement like that, that's a huge statement because as children of God, who walk in the fear of the Lord, one of the things we want to do is love what God loves, and hate what god hates. It would only seem that whatever God hates, it's like okay, you give me that list, I will memorize it and I will make sure to stay away from it, because I so love God, and I fear Him, I reverence Him, I want to stay away from that, because this is what god hates.

"Six things god hate, yes seven are an abomination to Him: a proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift in running to evil, a false witness who speaks lies, and one who sows discord among brethren." Just notice in that list that three items out of seven on that list, deal with the sins of the tongue, and it says god hates this. That should send up an automatic red flag, something we want to stay away from.

Now fortunately, we know the solution because if these are things God hates, you just reverse it and you will find out what God loves. He would love a wholesome tongue, an honest tongue, one who doesn't sow discord but brings unity, etcetera.

Proverbs 25, Verse11, I think, is a good flipping of the coin of what we just read. In that text, Proverbs 25:11, "A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver." Words fitly spoken; how many times have you said something, and when you said you went, shouldn't have said that? I do it a lot. And it goes out and it's like, "Come back, I can't bring it back," but you would love to, right? So it behooves us to carefully choose the manner in which we are going to express something. "Words fitly spoken are like apples of gold in setting of silver."

You know, what we are fond of doing as Americans, is saying anything like, well you know what I mean, right? You know, what I mean. Be careful with that. Listen to what Mark Twain, a great American writer once said, "The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightening and the lightening bug." Words fitly spoken.

When an ambassador represents our nation, or a congressman, the district or the state, they use words to get their point across. They have to be carefully chosen powerful words. When a teacher wants to stretch the mind of a student, he or she must choose the right kind of words. When a lawyer defends a client, and especially, if the client is innocent, words can mean life or death. When I asked my wife to marry me, I used very clumsy words. She didn't understand what I was saying, I rambled on for five, ten minutes until she finally said, "Now stop! Did you just ask me to marry you?"

It was words that grabbed my heart in 1973, when I was watching the Billy Graham Crusade on television. I turned up the sound and I heard his words; the words of truth, the words of life, and I responded to the words that were shared, as he looked into the camera and said, "If you are watching by television, you can know Christ." And it's like, those are words right to my heart, and I responded.

Proverbs 18:21, we are told, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue." Death and life, what does it mean? Well here is the sampling; words can effect your emotions. You hear certain words and it causes delight or it causes sadness. You have all heard scathing words; "You idiot", 'You fool", "You empty-headed whatever". Those are just so degrading, they affect your emotions. Proverbs 12:18, "There is one who speaks like the piercings of a sword; but the tongue of the wise promotes health." Ever met a sharp's tongue, individual? You know the kind, a verbal terminator? They can dice you and slice you with just a few words, they are so articulate, golden tongued, acid tongued in some regards.

Proverbs 12:25, "Anxiety in the heart of a man causes depression; but a good word makes it glad." Again proverbs 16:24, I can give you -- see what we are doing, we are camping on a core anchor text and then reaching for those other truths in other parts of the book.

Proverb 16:24, "Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul. and health to the bones". Think about words being sweet. A soft answer is another one; Chapter 15:1, "A soft answer turns away wrath." There was a pastor who was preaching a sermon, based upon that text we just read, Proverbs 16:24, "Pleasant words are like a honeycomb," and he gave the text, and then he said, "You can always catch more flies with honey than you can with vinegar."

There was a wife and a husband listening to the sermon, and so the wife turned over to her husband as soon as the pastor said that. She said, "Honey, I love how your muscles ripple when you take out the garbage." You can see, here is a girl who's been trying to get her husband to take out the trash, take out the trash, he wouldn't do it. So she thought, okay, honey verses vinegar, pull your muscles ripple and I love it when you take out the trash. Alright, I am the sanitary engineer. So words effect emotion.

Second, words affect your relations. How you feel about other people, can be altered based upon reports you hear about other people. "Did you hear --?", "Really! Well, I won't have any integrity to actually check it out for myself, because that sounds so juicy and good, and that's fun to believe in, even more fun to spread." So they can affect your relations.

Proverbs 16:28, "A perverse man sows strife, and a whisper separates the best of friends." Have you ever had this experience, and I bet you have, or somebody you know, you meet after a period of time and you see them and they are cold to you. They are cold towards you, they are unresponsive, they are sort of distant and aloof. You wonder why and you find out they have been listening to words from somebody else, they haven't had the decency to talk to you personally, and get the other side of the story. So now they are disposed to you relationally, and it's aversive.

So words affect your emotions, words affect your relations. Death and life are in the power of the tongue. Now we do speak a lot, every human being does. The average person will spend one-fifth of his entire life-time talking. One-fifth of your life will be spent using words. It's estimated that in one day, you will use enough words to fill up 50-page book. In one year, you will develop, if you chose to record them, 132 volumes each containing 400 pages. In a lifetime, the words that you speak, would amount to 3,000 volumes or 1,500,000 pages of words. So this is a mega theme in the Book of Proverbs; how a wise righteous person verses an unwise foolish person uses their speech, a mega theme.

Now we also know too that there is difference in the sexes between male and female as to how much verbiage is used. Some were told that women are more articulate than men are, and so, if you are wondering women, why, when your husband comes home and he just grunts, "Hey" "Well honey, my day has been like -- and what your day has been like?" "Ah?"

You are ready to keep going; he is ready to end it, because he has used up his quota and it's good for men and women to understand, there are differences in the way we communicate. It's just the way it is. It would be hove men to learn that, and to step in and to become a little more talkative and just sort of stretch it. You can spare another five or ten words beyond what you have used that day or another few hundred, whatever. Be gracious. And women, you should also realize that your husbands aren't as good at it as you are and not as articulate perhaps and I know I am painting with the broom, it's just happens to be true.

Okay, let's go to the last one and we will close. The fourth mountain peak seen in the Book of Proverbs, one of the mega themes. I am going to caste it this way. It's the difference between friendship versus isolation, friendship versus isolation. Really, I am speaking about relationships; wholesome relationships with buddies, with children, with husbands and wives, but I am going to put it this way, relationship but it's friendliness versus isolation. Turn to Proverbs Chapter 18 for this. Proverbs Chapter 18, one of the greatest titles you could ever give to another person is the title of friend.

Now I am convinced that a person can only have a few, you could count them on your hand, a few really good friends in life, but what an honor to be called a friend of somebody else. It's not to be used lightly. Verse 1, "A man who isolates himself, seeks his own desire; he rages against all wise judgment." I have met people who have been burnt by relationships, burnt by friendships, hurt because of what people have done in the past and they get to a point in life where they become callused and their attitude is, "Why bother, why should I even do this again? It's better if I just withdraw and be alone. I will go it alone." That's against God's order. First book of the Bible, "It is not good that man should be alone." Your Creator recognized you need people. Even though you need old people, you need people and even though they needle you, they need you as well. It is not good that man should be alone.

"A man who isolates himself, seeks his own desire; he rages against all wise judgment." Unless you form meaningful relationships with people where there is openness, frankness, honesty, and accountability, you become more isolated. You don't grow emotionally, you don't grow personally or spiritually. Other people help you get stretched. They do. You are a wonderful person when you are with yourself. You are never more sweet, you are never more godly. You have just so much fun to be with alone. But where life really gets tested is when your personality rubs up against somebody else's personality and there is against yours.

That's why I have never bought the phrase, mutual incompatibility. You have heard it? We are divorcing on the grounds of mutual incompatibility as if to say, I am going to find someone else out there who is compatible with me. You will never find a person. Every human being is mutually incompatible with every other human being at some level; maybe not the first week, maybe not the first month, maybe not even the first year, but give it time.

We are people and when people rub against other people, they discover flaws in others and certainly, they should be discovering flaws in themselves. That's why you need friendship, meaningful relationship and Proverbs will tell you how to develop that. Back in Chapter 17, Verse17, you are right around that section, look at the value of a friend. "A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity." Then look up again in Chapter 18:24, "A man who has friends must himself be friendly, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother." In Chapter 27:17, one of the most famous ones, Men's Ministry has used it a notoriously so, "As iron sharpens iron; so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend." So you get the idea; friends are fortifying and they are strengthening, they influence us when they are around you.

So we need them, we get that, but here is the secret. Go back to Chapter 18 for just a moment, look at Verse 24 and look at just the first part of that. "A man who has friends must" what? "himself be friendly," look at it again. "A man who has friends must himself be friendly." In other words, this is how friendship works. Somebody has got to take the initiative, reach out and say, "Hey! What you doing? Let's get together, let's develop this group. Let's be accountable, let's whatever." Somebody has to do that. You have to be friendly.

This is exactly what Ruth did. Remember when Naomi was at the crossroads and her husband died and her two sons-in-law and she is with her two daughters-in-law and one of them is Ruth and she says, "You go back. I am going back to Bethlehem." Ruth took the initiative and said, "Where you go I will go. Your people will be my people your God will be my God."

Jonathan did this with David. David needed a friend, Jonathan, the king's son, King Saul's son, reached out and developed a fortifying friendship with David. So all of that to say this: no steeping in your own mire and saying, "Nobody likes me. I am just going to go away. Nobody really cares about me, nobody is interested in me." Take the initiative. I can just hear excuses, but I am shy you don't understand, I am different, I am shy. Three quarters of the people around you are also shy. Somebody has got to take the initiative and you will find when you are friendly, it will be get friendliness; when you love and reach out, it will be get love and outreach.

A man who has friends must himself be friendly. Albert Speer was the name of a man who was close to Adolf Hitler. In fact, he wrote a little section and biography of Hitler and Albert Speer said, "If Adolf Hitler had friends, I suppose I would be his best friend. Though he was close to no one really, I was probably the closest to him of anybody on planet Earth." And he said, "Hitler wallowed in his own charisma, but he could not respond to friendship, instinctively he repelled it. He repelled and he became isolated. He isolated himself to his own hurt and to an entire continent's hurt." It's destructive. Well, let's close with the last Chapter, shall we? Proverbs 31 though not written by Solomon but King Lemuel whom some think actually was a pseudonym, another name for King Solomon.

Proverbs 31, I am only going to look at a few verses but talks about the wonderful friendship of a husband and wife and especially, a husband extolling the wife of his youth. Verse 10, "Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies. The heart of her husband safely trust in her, so that he will have no lack of gain. She does him good and not evil all the days of her life." Verse 28, "Her children rise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her. Many daughters have done well, but you excel or outdo or surpass them all."

In other words, if I can give you a free rendering of this, there is a lot of women out there honey, but there is only one for me and that's you. You surpass everyone I have ever met, will I told her that when I got married 40 years ago. You know what, if you told her that again, well she would melt. Maybe she hasn't heard that in a long time. I don't want to give her a coronary or anything, but if you were to say that and really mean that, that could change a lot of things.

Listen to the words of James Hewett who wrote this and I quote "Husbands who kiss their wives every morning before leaving work usually live five years longer than those who do not." I can just hear --reaction to that. Oh! Puck her up, get ready. A kissing husband has fewer automobile accidents, loses up to 50% less time from work because of illness and earns 20% to 30% more than a non-kissing husband. One of the best things for your portfolios, gentleman, is to love your wife, to rise up and call her blessed, the friend that God has given you, one of the mega themes of this book.

Verse 30, "Charm is deceitful, beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised." So, Solomon, you got to admit, unusually talented, insightful leader, amazing guy, very wise in fact. It's because he asked for that. He asked for that. He wanted wisdom. He knew he needed wisdom.

1 Kings, Chapter 4, "God gave Solomon wisdom and very great insight and breadth of understanding as measureless as the sand on the seashore. Solomon's wisdom was greater than the wisdom of all the men of the East, and greater than all the wisdom of Egypt. He was wiser than any other man and his fame spread to all the surrounding nations. Men of all nations came to listen to Solomon's wisdom, sent by all the kings of the world, who had heard of his wisdom."

Now we have just touched on four mountain peaks of 513 of the most important of the 3,000 proverbs that Solomon wrote that are recorded here. But here's where I want to end, on a sobering note, if you let me.

The Solomon was wiser than any person as the Bible says. Though he began his reign, his career with wisdom, he died a fool. He died a fool. He turned toward idolatry. He married 300 wives, 700 porcupines, I mean concubines. So he had a thousand plus women in his life, who turned his heart away from Yahweh to worship other gods, became very conflicted, became very foolish.

Here's a guy that wrote some of the greatest pearls of wisdom ever who didn't live according to his own advice. I got to tell you as a pastor as a preacher, somebody gives Bible studies every week to me that's sobering. If I don't live by the truth I preach, I am a fool. If you don't live by the truth you hear and say Amen too, you are a fool. So we are left with this, the Bible says, "Be doers of the word; not just hearers."

I read an article about an instructor, a driving instructor in Berlin, Germany. He has instructed thousands of people how to drive cars, he doesn't have a drivers' license. It's because he didn't want to go back after failing the test and try to take it again because he was too intimated and that was 43 years ago. 43 years he has been helping people get drivers' licenses; he ain't got one. He is the instructor. So we are warned by Solomon's life. He trafficked in wisdom, he died a fool.

I am going to close, you can turn to it if you like or you don't have to, I will just read it. It's an appeal really in Proverbs 8. I will just read it to you. There's just a few verses. Proverbs 8 is a picture of "Wisdom personified as if it's a woman standing at the head of the gates of the city, calling out to people who are walking to the streets of the city."

In Verse 32, "Now therefore listen to me, my children; for blessed are those who keep my ways. Hear instruction, and be wise, do not disdain it. Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors. For whoever finds me finds life, and obtains favor from the Lord; but he who sins against me wrongs his own soul; all those who hate me love death."

Powerful, powerful appeal. So you can see why it's a good thing if in your normal Bible reading, you take one proverb a day and you just meditate on those little truth bombs that will detonate as you may be commit one or two to memory throughout the day. They just give off those beautiful explosive charges and remind you of some of the most salient truths that we cover tonight; the fear of the Lord, being diligent, friendship, etcetera. And one of the wisest things you could do if you time tonight then you can do it that's in a few minutes, join us over in the hub for prayer for our nation.

"Heavenly Father, thank you for this evening, for the time in your word. Thank you for the interview with our congressmen, congressman peers. You protect him; give him the wisdom, Lord that you gave to Solomon as he helps govern the affairs of this great nation. We are your servants, we talk about our relationship with you, and the relationship, the Bible describes that we have is we are your servants, your slaves, you are our Master. You are not just our heavenly buddy, you are God, and we thank you Lord, for the principles that you have laid out that if a person wisely follows, righteously obeys, will have fullness of life, grant that for us in Jesus name. Amen."

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Bible from 30k Final Q&A
Skip Heitzig
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We have landed our flight over the Bible from 30,000 Feet. As we touch down and head to pick up the final baggage from our 65 flight series, our last sky-high view of the scriptures will includes this final Q&A Celebration. Pastor Skip and others answer questions from the last year, as well as on the spot questions from the audience.

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Destination: Revelation 12-22
Revelation 12-22
Skip Heitzig
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Flight sixty-four brings us to the end of the scriptures and the second and final part of the book of Revelation. Chapters 12-22 lead us into some of the most thrilling text in the entire Bible, giving us a glimpse into the seven bowl judgments, the Beast, and the future tribulation, but also bringing us great hope for God's Church. The key chapters to review are Revelation 12-14, 18, and 20-22.
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Destination: Revelation 1-11
Revelation 1-11
Skip Heitzig
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With only two more flights to go, we welcome you to get your travel planner ready for the first half of the book of Revelation and flight sixty-three over the Bible from 30,000 Feet. Considered to be one of the most powerful books in Scripture, Revelation is a direct vision from God, to John, which he was asked to record for future generations. Revelation 1:19, "Write, therefore, what you have seen, what is now and what will take place later." As the final warning to the world of the tribulation to come, it also serves as a source of hope for the Church. The key chapters to review are 1-4, 7, and 11.
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Destination: 1 John
1 John
Skip Heitzig
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In our sixty-first flight over the Bible from 30,000 Feet, our tour guide Pastor Skip will take us through the book of 1 John. John writes to define and defend the nature of the person of Christ against heretical teachings affecting the early church. As John addresses the heretical teachings of the time, he also addresses the preeminence of God's love for us, and our duty to love others in return. The key chapters to review are 1 John 1-5.
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Destination: 1 and 2 Peter
1 Peter 1-5; 2 Peter 1-3
Skip Heitzig
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Get your travel planner out for flight sixty over the Bible from 30,000 Feet. Our tour guide, Pastor Skip Heitzig, will take us on a tour of the books of 1 & 2 Peter. Peter's first letter to the church exhorts Christians to remain steadfast in their faith when under persecution, and his second letter tackles the issue of false teachers and a need for discernment against the spreading apostasy. Both books contain a level of warmth in Peter's expressions, making them a great source of encouragement. The key chapters to review are 1 Peter 1-5 and 2 Peter 1-3.
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Destination: James
Skip Heitzig
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Our fifty-ninth flight over the Bible from 30,000 Feet will take us over the distinctive book of James. Although grace through faith in the cross was vital for Jewish believer to understand, James addresses the issue of faith without a consistent lifestyle. This epistle adamantly declares that, "Just as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead, also." (James 2:26) The key chapters to review are James 1-5.
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Destination: Hebrews
Skip Heitzig
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In our fifty-eighth flight over the Bible from 30,000 Feet, Pastor Skip will take us on a tour over the book of Hebrews. Although the author of the book is not fully known, this well written letter reveals a man with a great desire to encourage Jewish believers to continue in the grace of Jesus Christ, instead of trying to escape persecution by bowing to the rites and rituals of Judaism. The key chapters to review are Hebrews 1-2, 6, 11, and 13.
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Destination: Titus and Philemon
Titus 1-3:15;Philemon 1:1-25
Skip Heitzig
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Get your travel planner out for flight fifty-seven of the Bible from 30,000 Feet. On this flight, our tour guide Pastor Skip will take us through the books of Titus and Philemon. While the letter to Titus focuses on the importance of sound doctrine and the elements of the church order, Philemon takes a more personal approach and speaks on the application of the great principles of Christian brotherhood to social life. The key chapters to review are Titus 1-3 and Philemon 1.
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Destination: 1 and 2 Timothy
1 Timothy 1-6;2 Timothy 1-4:22
Skip Heitzig
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Join us on a tour over the books of 1 & 2 Timothy as we take our fifty-sixth flight over the Bible from 30,000 Feet. These loving letters to Timothy, a young pastor in Ephesus, reveal Paul's true love for his brother in Christ and desire to encourage him in the Word and warn against false teachings. In these letters, Paul exhorts Timothy to stand strong and "preach the word" (2 Timothy 4:2). The key chapters to review are 1 Timothy 1-6 and 2 Timothy 1-4.
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Destination: 1 and 2 Thessalonians
1 Thessalonians 1-5;2 Thessalonians 1-3:18
Skip Heitzig
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In our fifty-fifth flight over the Bible from 30,000 Feet, Pastor Skip will take us on a tour over the books of 1 & 2 Thessalonians. Both books are written as an encouragement to the church in Thessalonica, exhorting them in the word, warning them against pagan immorality, and urging them to remain steadfast in the truth of the Lord. The key chapters to review are 1 Thessalonians 1-5 and 2 Thessalonians 1-3.
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Destination: Colossians
Skip Heitzig
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Get your travel planner out for our fifty-fourth flight over the Bible from 30,000 Feet! On this flight, we will take a look at the young church in Colosse, and how they became the target of a heretical attack. The main theme in the book of Colossians is the complete adequacy of Christ as contrasted with the emptiness of mere human philosophy. The key chapters to review are Colossians 1-4.
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Destination: Philippians
Skip Heitzig
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In our fifty-third flight over the Bible from 30,000 Feet, Pastor Skip will take us through the book of Philippians, another of Paul's letters to the church. Referred to as "the epistle of joy," the message contained in these pages is one of long suffering and joy in the midst of Paul's time in prison. Despite his trials, we will see Paul rejoice over the church in Philippi and encourage them in unity, humility, and prayer. The key chapters to review are Philippians 1-4.
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Destination: Ephesians
Skip Heitzig
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Who are we in Christ? Grab your travel planner for flight fifty-two as we look at the book of Ephesians, Paul's letter to the church in Ephesus. In this book, Paul explains how we are the bride of Christ, a temple, and a soldier for the gospel. The unity that Paul emphasizes is described as a body working together for a common goal. The key chapters to review are Ephesians 1-6.
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Destination: Galatians
Skip Heitzig
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Get your travel planner out for our fifty-first flight over the Bible from 30,000 Feet. On this flight, Pastor Skip will take us on a tour through the book of Galatians, a clear letter to the church in Galatia about the importance of remembering grace through faith and not the law. Paul's forceful letter addresses issues of legalism in the church and the false gospel of works. The key chapters to review are Galatians 1-6.
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Destination: 2 Corinthians
2 Corinthians
Skip Heitzig
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Our fiftieth flight over the Bible from 30,000 Feet takes us on a flight over the second of Paul's letters to the church at Corinth. Between 1 & 2 Corinthians, the congregation was influenced by false teachers who spread opposition to Paul. Through God's grace and use of Paul, he is later able to rejoice over the repentance of the people to God and acceptance of his God-given authority. The key chapters to review are 2 Corinthians 4 & 12.
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Destination: 1 Corinthians
1 Corinthians
Skip Heitzig
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Get your travel planner out for our forty-ninth flight over the Bible from 30,000 Feet! As we look at 1 Corinthians, we'll see Paul's letters to the church at Corinth. His letters to the influential church confront their "religious" and arrogant mindsets and defend his ability to be an apostle of Christ. Through God's grace and use of Paul, he is later able to rejoice over the turnaround and acceptance of his God-given authority. The key chapters to review are 1 Corinthians 2-3 & 12-13.
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Destination: Romans
Skip Heitzig
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We are about to take our forty-eighth flight over the Bible from 30,000 Feet. Join us as we soar over the entire book of Romans, Paul's letter to the church in Rome. This letter primarily focuses on the basic gospel message along with God's plan of salvation and righteousness for all humankind, Jew and Gentile alike. In our broad overview, we'll take a look at Paul's strong emphasis of Christian doctrine and his concern for Israel. The key chapters to review are 1, 3, 4, and 9-11.
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Destination: Acts
Skip Heitzig
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On our forty-seventh flight over the Bible from 30,000 feet Pastor Skip will give a tour of the entire book of Acts. Acts is the history of how Christianity was founded and organized and solved its problems. The gospel writer Luke tells the story of how the community of believers began by faith in the risen Christ and in the power of the Holy Spirit, the promised Counselor and Guide, who enabled them to witness, to love, and to serve.
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Destination: John
Skip Heitzig
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Get your travel planner out for our forty-sixth flight over the Bible from 30,000 Feet. On this flight, Pastor Skip will take us on a tour through the book of John, written by the Apostle John from Ephesus between A.D. 80-90. The spiritual depth of this book and its presentation of the incarnation through the God-man Jesus Christ sets it apart from the other gospels.
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Destination: Matthew, Mark, and Luke
Matthew, Mark; Luke
Skip Heitzig
Message Summary
Get your travel planner out for our opening tour of the New Testament and flight forty-five of the Bible from 30,000 Feet! This flight will take us on a sky-high tour over the books of Matthew, Mark and Luke. These three synoptic gospels give us our first glimpses of Jesus' life and death here on earth. We'll see the service, sermons, sacrifices, and sovereignty of our King as we witness the fulfillment of many of the Old Testament prophecies we have previously studied. The key chapters to review are Matthew 1-5 and 17, Mark, and Luke.
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Destination: Zechariah and Malachi
Zechariah; Malachi
Skip Heitzig
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We are about to take our forty-forth flight over the Bible from 30,000 feet, journeying over the final two books of the Old Testament. In ending the Minor Prophets, we'll first look at the expanded message of rebuilding the temple as Zechariah encourages the people to look to the future reign of the Messiah. We will then speed forward 100 years after the temple was rebuilt to the book of Malachi, where God's chosen people had once again slid back into their sinful practices. After 400 years of prophetic silence, Malachi brings a message of exhortation to the people who had resettled in Jerusalem. The key chapters to review are Zechariah 9-14 and Malachi 1-4.
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Destination: Zephaniah & Haggai
Zephaniah; Haggai
Skip Heitzig
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Prepare yourself for our forty-third flight over the Bible from 30,000 Feet. This flight will take us soaring over the entirety of both Zephaniah and Haggai. The two books cover five chapters which speak of the coming Day of the Lord, His wrath upon Judah and her neighbors, and an encouragement after their return from exile to rejoice and rebuild the Temple. The key chapters to review are Zephaniah 1-3 and Haggai 1-2.
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Destination: Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk
Micah; Nahum; Habakkuk
Skip Heitzig
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Get your travel planner out and place your heart in the upright position for our forty-second flight over the Bible from 30,000 Feet. On this flight, Pastor Skip will take us on a tour over the books of Micah, Nahum, and Habakkuk, three prophets used by God to criticize, comfort, and encourage the people of Judah. Through these prophets, God's people confess their sins and are confident in the salvation of God's mighty acts. The key chapters to review are Micah 1-7, Nahum 1-3, and Habakkuk 1-3.
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Destination: Jonah 1-4
Jonah 1-4
Skip Heitzig
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Our forty-first flight over the Bible from 30,000 feet will take us to the well known book of Jonah. In this book, we will see what God can do in the life of a prophet, even one who is blatantly disobedient. Despite Jonah's defiance, God strongly redirects his path and brings him to repentance through a very unique situation. By the end of the book, we will see Jonah right back where he started and bringing God glory by doing exactly what He had originally asked of him. The key chapters to review are Jonah 1-4.
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Destination: Joel; Amos; Obadiah
Joel 1-3; Amos 1-9; Obadiah
Skip Heitzig
Message Summary
Get ready for flight forty over the Bible from 30,000 Feet. On this flight, our tour guide, Pastor Skip Heitzig, will take us soaring over Joel, Amos, and Obadiah. In these three books, we take a look at the strong warnings that God gives His people against greed, injustice, false worship, and self-righteousness. We'll see God's use of these ordinary men to give extraordinary messages; we'll witness His patience, and at the end, we'll see how He stands ready to forgive and restore all who turn away from their sin. The key chapters to review are Joel 1-3, Amos 1, 3 and 7, and Obadiah 1.
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Destination: Hosea 1-14
Hosea 1-14
Skip Heitzig
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Get your travel planner out and place your heart in the upright position for our thirty-ninth flight over the Bible from 30,000 Feet. On this flight, Pastor Skip will take us on a tour over the entire book of Hosea, a man called to prophesy to the Northern Kingdom of Israel during the reign of King Jeroboam. As Hosea addresses the sins of the nation, we will see how God used the graphic parallel between his adulterous wife and the unfaithfulness of Israel. The key chapters to review are Hosea 1-4, 6, 9, and 11.
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Destination: Daniel 7-12
Daniel 7-12
Skip Heitzig
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Our thirty-eighth flight over the Bible from 30,000 Feet will take us through the second part of Daniel. As we look at chapters 7-12, we will see the four prophetic visions of Daniel, and observe how his faith in God's fulfillment of prophecies led him to fervent prayer for the people of Israel. The key chapters to review are Daniel 9-12.
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Destination: Daniel 1-6
Daniel 1-6
Skip Heitzig
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Flight thirty-seven over the Bible from 30,000 Feet will take us on a tour of Daniel 1-6. In these chapters, we will see the first of the deportations of the Israelites to Babylon, and witness both the prophetic history of the book, as well as the four prophetic visions of Daniel. Ultimately, the powerful stories in Daniel reveal a man of God; unwilling to compromise and full of faith. The key chapters to review are Daniel 1-2.
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Destination: Ezekiel 1-48
Ezekiel 1-48
Skip Heitzig
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In our thirty-sixth flight over the Bible from 30,000 Feet, Pastor Skip will take us on a flight high above the Bible to look at the book of Ezekiel. We will witness prophecies we've seen in past books being fulfilled as we see Jerusalem at the time of the Second Babylonian Deportation. As Ezekiel the Priest is deported alongside his people, we see God continue to offer promises of restoration through him, bringing the people a sense of hope in spite of their current tribulations. The key chapters to review are Ezekiel 1-3, 7, 33-34, and 38-39.
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Destination: Lamentations 1-5
Lamentations 1-5
Skip Heitzig
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Get your travel planner out for flight thirty-five over the Bible From 30,000 Feet. On this departure, we will look once again at Jeremiah in the book of Lamentations. We will learn why Jeremiah is referred to as "the weeping prophet," as we see him lament over the destruction of Jerusalem. This poetic book begins by revealing a man who is distressed for a nation under the consequences of its own sin, and ends with a prayer for the restoration of the nation from captivity. The key chapters to review are Lamentations 1-5.
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Destination: Jeremiah 1-52
Jeremiah 1-52
Skip Heitzig
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Get your travel planner out for flight thirty-four over the Bible from 30,000 Feet, as we soar over the entire book of Jeremiah. On this flight, Pastor Skip will take us at an altitude of 30,000 feet to see the three writings of the book of Jeremiah. From the warning of judgment, to the promise of restoration, and finally the protective hand of God over those He loves, we will catch a glimpse of a man who openly allowed God to speak through him in unusual and sometimes bizarre ways to open the eyes of the people of Israel. The key chapters to review are Jeremiah 13, 18-20, 25, 31, and 52.
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Destination: Isaiah 40-66
Isaiah 40-66
Skip Heitzig
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In our thirty-third flight over the Bible from 30,000 feet, Pastor Skip will take us on a flight high above the Bible to look at the second half of Isaiah. As we look through chapters 40-66, we will see the continued work of Isaiah, and how God used his gift of prophecy, both comforting and condemning, to generate change in the individuals he encountered. The key chapters to review are Isaiah 40, 52-53, and 55.
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Destination: Isaiah 1-39
Isaiah 1-39
Skip Heitzig
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Our thirty-second flight over the Bible from 30,000 feet will take us soaring over the entire book of Isaiah. Thought to be the greatest of all the Prophets of the Old Testament, Isaiah's ministry lasted around fifty years, and his prophecies are quoted in the New Testament more often than any other Prophet. This book shows us a mix of both prophecies of condemnation (chapters 1-39), as well as prophecies of comfort (chapters 40-66). The key chapters to review are Isaiah 1-2, 6, 40, 52-53, and 55.
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Destination: Song of Solomon 1-8
Song_of_Solomon 1-8
Skip Heitzig
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Get your travel planner out for flight thirty-one over the Bible from 30,000 Feet, as we soar over Song of Solomon. This poetic book gives us a glimpse into the true love that Solomon has for a shepherdess, and the love and fulfillment they share in a marriage relationship. At an altitude of 30,000 feet we will be able to see the strong tie into the fulfillment and joy seen in the love of God for His people. The key chapters to review are Song of Solomon 1-8.
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Destination: Ecclesiastes 1-12
Ecclesiastes 1-12
Skip Heitzig
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Join us as we continue The Bible From 30,000 Feet, taking our thirtieth flight high above the book of Ecclesiastes. This book reveals some startling truths about how King Solomon felt about finding meaning and fulfillment in life through the things of this world, and ultimately his conclusion that "all is vanity" in a life lived without God. The key chapters to review are 1-3, 5, 8, and 12.
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Destination: Psalms 73-150
Psalms 73-150
Skip Heitzig
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Get ready for our twenty-eighth departure of the Bible from 30,000 Feet. We will fly at cruising altitude over the last three books in Psalms as we read through chapters 73-150. We will see beautiful writings of gladness and grief, pleading and prayers, and reverence and worship. Join us as we look at the deepest thoughts and emotions on the love and power of God. The key chapters to review are Psalms 119, and 146-150.
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Destination: Psalms 1-72
Psalms 1-72
Skip Heitzig
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Get your travel planner out for flight twenty-seven over the Bible from 30,000 Feet, as we soar over Psalms 1-72. On this flight, Pastor Skip will take us through the first seventy-two chapters of Psalms, which is divided into five books of songs, prayers, and poetry. Join us as we look at the deepest thoughts and emotions on the love and power of God. The key chapters to review are Psalms 1, 14, 23, 40, and 63.
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Destination: Job 1-42
Job 1-42
Skip Heitzig
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Our twenty-sixth flight over the Bible from 30,000 Feet takes us over the entire book of Job, the first book in the section of poetical books. This is a powerful story of a man who has everything taken from him; his health, wealth, and even his beloved family. Yet as we see God allowing Satan to test Job, God's faithfulness to those he loves is clear and Job's steadfast faith prevails. Join us this week as we see Job's dilemma (ch.1-2), the debate with his four friends (ch. 3-37), and his final deliverance (ch. 38-42). The key chapters to review are Job1-4, 8,11-12, and 29.
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Destination: Esther 1-10
Esther 1-10
Skip Heitzig
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Get your travel planner out for flight twenty-five over the Bible from 30,000 Feet, as we soar over the book of Esther. The flight will be divided into two highly important sections: the threat to the Jews (chapters 1-4), in which we will see Haman's attempt to completely eradicate the Jewish people from Persia, and the triumph of the Jews (chapters 5-10), where we will see a young girl's godly strength and fight to save her people. This flight will show us a whole new set of villains, heroes, and ultimately the ever abounding faithfulness of God towards those who follow Him. The key chapters to review are Esther 1-10.
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Destination: Nehemiah 1-13
Nehemiah 1-13
Skip Heitzig
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Get ready for our twenty-fourth departure for the Bible from 30,000 Feet. We will fly at cruising altitude over the entire book of Nehemiah with our pilot, Pastor Skip Heitzig. In this book, Nehemiah, the king's cupbearer, is given permission to lead third and final return to Jerusalem to repair and rebuild the city's walls. This book will show us a political construction (chapters 1-7), and a spiritual instruction (chapters 8-13). Join us as we see how Nehemiah gathers his spiritual strength from God during a time of great opposition.
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Destination: Ezra 1-10
Ezra 1-10
Skip Heitzig
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Flight twenty-three over the Bible from 30,000 Feet will take us over the entire book of Ezra. Our tour guide, Pastor Skip Heitzig, will point out two very important sections of this book; the restoration of the temple (chapters 1-6), and the reformation of the people (chapters 7-10). This book will continue the narrative of 2 Chronicles by showing God's faithfulness to keep His promises by returning His people to their homeland. The key chapters to review are Ezra 1-10.
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Destination: 2 Chronicles 1-36
2 Chronicles 1-36
Skip Heitzig
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Get ready for our twenty-second departure for the Bible from 30,000 Feet. On this flight, Pastor Skip Heitzig will take us soaring over the entire book of 2 Chronicles to see the beginning of the reign of King Solomon all the way to the spiritual roller coaster after Solomon's death and the separation of the kingdoms. From the building of the temple (2 Chronicles 1-9), to the decline of the temple (2 Chronicles 10-36:16), to the destruction of the temple (2 Chronicles 36:17-23), we see a parallel to 1 and 2 Kings from a spiritual viewpoint. The key chapters to review are 2 Chronicles 17-20, and 29-32.
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Destination: 1 Chronicles 1-29
1 Chronicles 1-29
Skip Heitzig
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Get your travel planner out for flight twenty-one over the Bible from 30,000 Feet, as we soar over the book of 1 Chronicles. On this flight we look back once again at God's promise that He would establish His reign on earth through King David. Chapters 1-9 of 1 Chronicles will look in-depth at the the royal line of David and then we will see again the reign of David in chapters 10-29. Join us as we fly at an altitude of 30,000 feet and see how God fulfilled His promises to David and how that presents a witness of His faithfulness to us as well. The key chapters to review are 1 Chronicles 17-18, 21-22, 25, and 28-29
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Destination: 2 Kings 1-25
2 Kings 1-25
Skip Heitzig
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Flight twenty over the Bible from 30,000 Feet will take us over the entire book of 2 Kings. Our tour guide, Pastor Skip Heitzig, will continue to lead us through the history of the divided nation of Israel, and how in spite of the many kings who took control of the land, we will still see a nation without true leadership. As we soar over this book, we will see first how Israel comes into captivity by Assyria, and then the triumph of Babylon over Judah. The key chapters to review are 2 Kings 1-4, and 18-21.
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Destination: 1 Kings 1-22
1 Kings 1-22
Skip Heitzig
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Get your travel planner out for flight nineteen over the Bible from 30,000 Feet, as we soar over 1 Kings 1-22. On this flight we will see the transition that Israel undertakes as it moves from the rule of King David to the rule of his son King Solomon after his death. After Solomon turns from the Lord, we will see how Israel is divided and moved in and out of the power of many kings such as Ahab, Jehoshaphat, and Ahaziah. These chapters will reveal a story of true loyalty and disobedience to God. The key chapters to review are 1 Kings 1-3, 6, 8, 11, 12, 18, and 19.
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Destination: 2 Samuel 11-24
2 Samuel 11-24
Skip Heitzig
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In our eighteenth flight over the Bible from 30,000 Feet, our tour guide, Pastor Skip Heitzig will take us to our next destination, 2 Samuel 11-24. On this flight we'll see David's transgressions and the troubles that resulted from them. By presenting both the strengths and weaknesses of David, we see a complete picture of a very real person who was described as being "a man after God's own heart." The key chapters to review are 2 Samuel 11, 12, 15, 18, 19, 23, and 24.
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Destination: 2 Samuel 1-10
2 Samuel 1-10
Skip Heitzig
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Flight Seventeen over the Bible from 30,000 Feet will take us over 2 Samuel chapters 1-10. Our tour guide, Pastor Skip Heitzig, will show us David's triumphs as King over Israel, after the death of Saul. Join us as we see how David's faith in God leads him to be victorious politically and militarily as one by one he defeats his enemies. We will also see how David's obedience leads to a new promise from God. The key chapters to review for this flight are 1-3, 5, 7 and 9.
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Destination: 1 Samuel 16-31
1 Samuel 16-31
Skip Heitzig
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Get your travel planner out for flight sixteen over the Bible from 30,000 Feet. This week our tour guide, Pastor Skip Heitzig, will complete our tour of the book of 1 Samuel, covering chapters 16-31. On this flight we'll meet the man who God calls, "a man after my own heart (Acts 13:22)," David son of Jesse. We'll see David as a young shepherd boy who defeats Goliath and rises to national prominence overnight. His instant popularity arouses the jealousy of King Saul and forces David into hiding.
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Destination: 1 Samuel 1-15
1 Samuel 1-15
Skip Heitzig
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The fifteenth flight over the Bible from 30,000 Feet will take us on journey through 1 Samuel chapters 1-15. Join our tour guide, Pastor Skip Heitzig for this exciting tour on which we'll meet a man who would be become King. This man's good looks, physical size and success in war made him an obvious choice from a human perspective, but the book of 1 Samuel highlights his tragic flaw - he disobeyed God's commands. From the ashes of Saul's tragedy God raises up another man who would become King, a man after His own heart, King David. The key chapters to review are 1-3, 8-10 and 15.
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Destination: Ruth 1-4
Ruth 1-4
Skip Heitzig
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In our fourteenth flight over the Bible from 30,000 Feet, Pastor Skip Heitzig will give us a tour of the little romantic book of Ruth. We'll see how the book of Ruth shows the godly courage and love of two very different women from very different backgrounds. We'll meet some amazing characters on this flight who become key people in the genealogy of Jesus Christ.
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Destination: Judges 11-21
Judges 11-21
Skip Heitzig
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Flight thirteen over the Bible from 30,000 Feet will take us over Judges chapters 11-21. Pastor Skip Heitzig will guide us as we complete this overview of Judges. We will see that the second part of Judges shows the fragile nature of these Judges and a people who, "did what was right in their own eyes," that kept them in their sin cycle.
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Destination: Judges 1-10
Judges 1-10
Skip Heitzig
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In our twelfth flight over the Bible from 30,000 Feet, Pastor Skip Heitzig will once again be our tour guide as we take our first look at the book of Judges. We'll see on this tour how the nation of Israel is caught in the cycle of sin and how each cycle results in ever worsening conditions for them. We'll meet some of the characters that God divinely appointed to the office of Judge. The key chapters to review for this flight are Judges 1–3 and 6–8.
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Destination: Joshua 13-24
Joshua 13-24
Skip Heitzig
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In our eleventh flight over the Bible from 30,000 Feet, Pastor Skip Heitzig will give us a tour of the Promised Land. We will see how Joshua divides the land "as an inheritance to Israel," and we'll see different tribes and where they settle, both in and out of the Promised Land. Key chapters for this flight are: Joshua 13 and 20-24.
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Destination: Joshua 1-12
Joshua 1-12
Skip Heitzig
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Pastor Skip Heitzig will be our tour guide during our tenth flight over the Bible from 30,000 Feet. This week's journey will take us through Joshua 1-12. We'll get to know Joshua, son of Nun, who shared in all the events of the Exodus, and held the place of commander of the host of the Israelites. The book of Joshua describes Israel's conquest of Canaan and the first section describe how Joshua conquered the land. Key chapters for this flight are: Joshua 1, 2, 4, 6, 7 and 10.
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Destination: Deuteronomy 1-34
Deuteronomy 1-34
Skip Heitzig
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In our ninth flight over the Bible from 30,000 Feet, Pastor Skip Heitzig will take us on a tour through the entire book of Deuteronomy. The Hebrews called it "Elleh Haddevarim," "These are the Words," or "Devarim," (words). Deuteronomy can be organized around three messages given by Moses while the Israelites were on the plains east of the Jordan River. It occurs after the 40 years of wandering and the Israelites are now ready to enter the Promised Land. The key word of this book is covenant and speaks of the special relationship that God has established with His people. Key chapters for this flight are: 6, 7, 31, 32, 33 and 34.
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Destination: Numbers 15-36
Numbers 15-36
Skip Heitzig
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In our eighth flight over the Bible from 30,000 feet Pastor Skip will give us a tour of Numbers chapters 15-36. We'll see that the second section of Numbers covers the failure of one generation to enter the Promised Land and the reorganization of a new generation that enters into the Promised Land. Key chapters for this flight are: 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, and 27.
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Destination: Numbers 1-14
Numbers 1-14
Skip Heitzig
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Our seventh flight over the Bible from 30,000 Feet will take us through Numbers chapters 1-14. Numbers is the fourth of the Pentateuch. In the Hebrew it is called ba-midbar, "in the wilderness." In the Septuagint version it is called Arithmoi or "numbers," and this name is now the usual title of the book. It is so called because it contains a record of the numbering of the people in the wilderness of Sinai (1-4), and of their numbering afterwards on the plain of Moab (26). The key chapters to review in advance are: Numbers 3, 6, 9, 11, 13 & 14.
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Destination: Leviticus 18-27
Leviticus 18-27
Skip Heitzig
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This week's study will take us through Leviticus chapters 18-27. The theme of Leviticus could be summed up in one word - holiness. The second section of Leviticus focuses on our walk with God through sanctification. Sanctification is the process by which we become holy or set apart for God's purposes. The key chapters to review in advance are: Leviticus 18-20, 22, 23, and 25.
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Destination: Leviticus 1-17
Leviticus 1-17
Skip Heitzig
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In our fifth flight from 30,000 Feet, we fly over the first seventeen chapters of the book of Leviticus. This is a book on worship and describes the worship life of the nation of Israel. In this first tour of Leviticus, we'll see how the first part of the book focuses on the way to God through sacrifice and lays down the law - literally - on how man was designed to live and how man can be atoned for his sins. The key chapters to review in advance are: Leviticus: 1-5, 10, 16, 17.
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Destination: Exodus 19-40
Exodus 19-40
Skip Heitzig
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In our fourth tour, we'll again visit the book of Exodus, visiting chapters 19-40. The setting for this week's journey is the Sinai Peninsula where God reveals the Ten Commandments to the nation of Israel and gives specific instructions on how He is to be worshiped. For this flight the key chapters to review in advance are: Exodus: 20, 25, 26, 27, 29 and 32.
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Destination: Exodus 1-18
Exodus 1-18
Skip Heitzig
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In our third tour, we'll be visiting the book of Exodus chapters 1-18. We'll get an overview of the central historical event contained in the book, the redemption of God's people from the bondage of Egypt. The setting for our journey is the nation of Egypt and Israel's wanderings through the wilderness. For this flight the key chapters to review in advance are: Exodus: 1, 2, 3, 5, 11, 12 and 14.
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Destination: Genesis 12-50
Genesis 12-50
Skip Heitzig
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This week's flight is going to take us over the second section of Genesis, which is biographical in nature and focuses on the lives of four key people. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph. We'll travel through the time era known as the Age of the Patriarchs. If you look at your window, we'll be passing over Canaan and Egypt, Canaan is modern day Israel.
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Destination: Genesis 1-11
Genesis 1-11
Skip Heitzig
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We begin The Bible from 30,000 Feet with a tour of Genesis Chapters 1-11. On this flight we'll travel all the way back to the very beginning - The Creation. We'll meet the first man and woman and their deceiver - the Serpent. We'll fly over God's new creation and meet a man named Noah, who God saved from His judgment - the Flood. We'll also take a look at "beginnings," the first time things are mentioned in the Bible a special significance should be given to them. The word Genesis itself is a Greek word that means "origin," the book describes the origins of creation.
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There are 63 additional messages in this series.
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