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New Year's Eve 2010
Acts 6:1-4
Skip Heitzig

Acts 6 (NKJV™)
1 Now in those days, when the number of the disciples was multiplying, there arose a complaint against the Hebrews by the Hellenists, because their widows were neglected in the daily distribution.
2 Then the twelve summoned the multitude of the disciples and said, "It is not desirable that we should leave the word of God and serve tables.
3 "Therefore, brethren, seek out from among you seven men of good reputation, full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business;
4 "but we will give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the word."

New King James Version®, Copyright © 1982, Thomas Nelson, Inc. All rights reserved.

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New Year's Messages

As we embark on a new year, we seek the Lord and His vision for our church. We'll get a preview of our upcoming expound Bible study and express prayer ministry as we follow the example of the early church, and renew our excitement for prayer and the Word of God.

These special New Year's teachings focus on new beginnings and God's faithfulness at the time of year when we look to the future and anticipate all that God will do in and through us.


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It's colder here than where I was.  I was up in the Midwest.  In fact, I was flying here just a little bit ago.  We were up in Michigan, it was -- like 50 degrees and I come here and it's like, "What?  Are we going to Alaska?"  This is the West.  But I was supposed to arrive -- Lenny and I were supposed to be back yesterday at about 1:00 in the morning, I mean not in the morning, in the afternoon.  I have been traveling all day.

And, our flight yesterday was delayed and so they said, "Look, with all the traffic trying to get in and out, you missed your connection and the only way you can get back home is to take a flight tomorrow, and it will get you in at about 6:30 in the evening.  So I said, "Sign me up.  We're on."  So, we actually landed at 6:30 and got here about 10 minutes to 7:00.  So, we're able to barely make this service.

But, by the hair of our chinny chin chin.  So, I ask what was the reason for the delay?  And they said, "Well, there's some fog in Minneapolis."  And I've got to thinking that the reason you'd have a delay if there's fog is very obvious, it impairs your vision, your ability to see where you're going.  If you can't have vision, you don't get direction.

And so, I want to talk to you tonight a little bit about vision.  I want to share with you a new vision.  When I say that, I don't mean that I got in my operation and I can see better than before, but in spiritual things, it's important that we have vision that we see where we're going.  We get the direction that we believe God has for us, and see if we're on the same page, so we can march together in that vision.  The Bible says without a vision, the people perish.

So, I want to share with you sort of like a new vision.  Well, really not a new vision.  It's an old vision with a new look.  No, scrap both of those.  It's actually a biblical vision with new excitement.  And now, I want to share something out of the Book of Acts Chapter 6, just to a few verses.

But in Acts Chapter 6, let me just paint the picture and set the scene.  There's a problem that is in the early church in Jerusalem.  Now, we would call it a good problem and that is growth.  There are more people coming.  There are more needs, more ministries taking place, more people than they could have ever imagine are joining the church in the Book of Acts.

The temptation when a church grows is to sort of revel in its own success (a), (b) to set up the machinery of organization and then just sort of put it on cruise and let it run.

And so, here's the opening verse of Acts Chapter 6 that says, "In those days, when the number of the disciples was multiplying, there arose a complaint against the Hebrews by the Hellenists because their widows were neglected in the daily distribution."  The problem stated the number of the disciples is growing.  Now, that's a good thing, but it does present a problem.  Just exactly how many people were at that first church in Jerusalem is impossible to ascertain.  However, we can put a few pieces together and get a pretty good idea.

We remember that in Acts Chapter 2, when it was the day of Pentecost and a notable sign occurred, and then Peter preached the gospel, it says that 3000 souls were added to them.  It was 120 people in an upper room in Northwest Jerusalem and overnight, it gained 3000 new people.

The very next chapter, there was a man who was lame from birth, sat everyday at the gate beautiful at the temple in Jerusalem.  People walked by that man, they knew him, they saw him.  Until one day, Peter and John were walking at the hour of worship and prayer and the old man was there with his hand out begging for alms and there's apostles looked down and said, "Silver and gold have I none, but what I have I'll give to you.  In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, get up and walk."  And the man was instantly miraculously healed.  He got up and he walked.

Peter preaches another sermon and in Acts Chapter 4, as the sermon continues, it says, "Five thousand more were added to the church and they were only counting the men," it says in that passage.  It was their way of reckoning things 2000 years ago.  Go figure, but they would count about 5000 men not including women and children that may have been there.  Five thousand men, 3000 a couple days before, now, we're upwards of eight plus women, plus children.  Many scholars believed that the early church grew very quickly to be about 20,000 people.

So imagine, your little Bible study of 120 people, now, 20,000 strong.  It's huge!  Can you sort of picture what it was like for Peter as he was giving his evangelism and I don't know exactly how he did it.  But then, he view it, who would like to receive Christ out there, just raise your hand out.  And then like the whole city raised their hand up.  And they were, "Wow!"  Now what do we do?  And he says they were added to the church.

As the Book of Acts goes on and we see it here in the First Verse, they stopped counting.  They stopped counting altogether.  They just said the number of the disciples was greatly multiplying.  And then in another place, and multitudes of men and women believes.

So they went from 120 to 3120 to another 5000 men not counting women and children and then Luke who's writing Acts said, "Forget it.  Too many to count, multitudes and they were multiplying all over Jerusalem."

Well, that growth, that explosive growth was to set up for all sorts of problems.  Here's one.  There could be the perceived lack of concern when you have a few leaders and a large group.  The inability to minister to every single person when you have 20,000, that's quite a hurdle to try to get over.  It's easy when you have 120, it's impossible when you have 20,000.

When we first started our fellowship, I was able to do pretty much everything.  I was able to teach the word, studied to teach the word.  I did all the counseling.  I kept the accounts payable and all the ledger work.  I was able to do hospital visitations.  I was able to lead the worship.  I was able to work around the building and keep a part-time job elsewhere in town.  Then something happened.  The number of the disciples multiplied and it soon became a problem I couldn't handle.

So there is a problem and the problem is met with priorities.  Spiritual problems call for spiritual solutions and watch how the disciples now, the apostles in particular, the leaders, apply spiritual priorities to handle the spiritual problem.

Then, the 12 summoned the multitude of the disciples and said, "It's not desirable that we should leave the word of God and serve tables.  Therefore, brethren, seek out from among you seven men of good reputation.  Full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom whom we may appoint over this business.  But we will give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the word and the saying pleased the whole multitude."  The disciples didn't turn a blind eye to this problem.  They met the problem head on and they enacted spiritual priorities because they knew if they just let this problem go, it could fester and it had the potential of destroying the work that God had brought in Jerusalem.

So, what they do, they said, "It's not desirable that we should leave the word of God and serve tables."  What does that mean?  A table was an old word that meant the counter of the moneychangers.  The counter of the moneychangers and apparently in the early church, they started a system because, well, people were losing their jobs because most of the industry in Jerusalem was built around the temple and because people were becoming believers in Yeshua, Jesus as the Messiah, they were being fired from their jobs.  So there was a condition of extreme poverty.

So, in the church, they had this distribution system were they would pull their resources together and help those who were down and out, had no money, had no food, and there was a daily distribution especially for the widows, it says.

Now, here's the problem in a nutshell, two groups of people.  One was a group of Hellenists, the Bible says, Greek-speaking, Greek-cultured, read the Greek version of the Bible, those were the Hellenists, against the Hebrews, these were Aramaic-speaking, reading the Hebrew scriptures, locals of Jerusalem considered to be more pure than those who lived in non-Jewish territory.  And the Greeks, the none pure folks, those who were from outside of Jerusalem, now saved and inside the church, felt that those Hebrew gals were getting special treatment.

The apostles could have said, "We'll fix it.  We'll be there to distribute evenly and oversee the distribution of this every single day."  But rather than that, they said, "Nope.  We've got to keep our priorities.  God hasn't called us to do the distribution daily in the food and then the money.  God has called us to prayer and the ministry of the word.  So here's the deal, church.  We're going to find and you're going to agree upon, people who can serve you all in the tables and we're going to serve you all in prayer and the ministry of the word," and it says, "The saying pleased the whole multitude."

I was driving through town several years ago and I was turning on a radio program and something caught my attention.  It was a talk show releasing the result of a study from Stanford University on the expectations that churches had of their pastor, their senior pastor.  And they've said, "How much time should we spend in studying?  How much time should we spend in visiting?  How much time should we spend in a list of activities?"  And they discovered in this study compiling the expectations.  They expected their pastor to put in 135.5 hours every week, leaving him 4.5 hours per day for sleeping, eating, hanging out with his family, having fun in 4.5 hours a day.  Clearly, the message was these are unrealistic expectations.

So, what happens in the early church as the thing grows and grows and grows and there are few leaders to take care of the problem?  Peter, James, John, the apostles realized contact -- public contact becomes less and less possible as this thing grows.  So, we need to reproduce ourselves and we need to reproduce ourselves in people who can handle these other issues.

The church is sort of like an iceberg, if you can picture that in your mind, an iceberg is about 10% on top of the water 80% to 90% below the water.  What you're seeing is only a small portion of the whole.  I think church ministry is very similar to an iceberg.  For the people that you see who were visible, there are so many more behind the scenes who are serving without that visibility.  For every 10 people you see, there are a hundred people behind the scenes with no visibility, no applause, no eyes to see them, no ears to hear about them, who are behind the scenes doing ministry.

One of the secrets of the success of the early church is they kept priorities, and number two, they kept God's priorities.  And the priorities crystallized for the leadership of the church that would spill to the rest of the church was prayer and the word, prayer and the word.  We're going to devote ourselves for your sake to praying for you and studying the word to minister to you.

Churches can sometimes leave the word of God and serve tables.  I can't tell you how many I have seen in my lifetime that started out and began to be known for the exposition of the word of God.  But somewhere along the line, they decided, "Well, we want to be a little more relevant.  Not everybody is in the Bible stuff.  Let's be more user-friendly."  And so, they start saying, "Let's not preach the gospel message.  Let's preach softer, feel good messages.  In fact, let's get people together and just give them a celebration and a good time.  We can sing some songs, we can play bingo and they can go and be dismissed."

They can leave the word of God and serve tables.  Not just churches corporately, pastors individually.  Many pastors who embark on studying the Bible to teach it realized it's hard work.  You have to devote hours and hours every week to learning the languages, to learning background, to learning context, to learning history and then to take that information, and so simply put it in a way that is applicable for everyone.  And because it's difficult, many pastors on a personal level, get sidetracked.  It's so easy and tempting to do so to get involved in projects and administrative details, so there's little time left to pray and minister in the word.  That is not God's pattern.  God's pattern is prayer and the word, prayer and the word.  The vision for the Book of Acts, prayer and the word.  The vision that Peter, James and John had and passed on was prayer and the word.

Later on, when Paul gets on the scene and writes a little letter to the Ephesian church.  He says, "God has raised up pastors and teachers for the equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry for the edifying of the body of Christ.  If pastors, if ministry leaders neglect this calling, they doom their congregation to languish in spiritual poverty, very, very important.

I had a teacher, a professor in Hermeneutics who said to the class one evening, Dr. Nat Van Cleave.  He said, "Gentlemen, if you have a hundred people in your church and you preached for one hour to a hundred people, but what you say to them is not prepared speech, then you have just wasted 100 hours of God's time."  I'll never forget that evening.  I'll never forget that statement.  It impacted my heart and settle deep.

So, the vision we want to unveil before you tonight is new, but not really new.  It's a biblical vision with a new excitement.  And here it is, ready?  Prayer [Laughter] and the ministry of the word.

First of all, let's talk about our Wednesday night Bible study.  For years, we've called that Line on Line because we go line upon line, verse by verse and we use the little at sign line online because you can go online and you can see it as well as being here in the flash.  And that was novel when we started it.  We sort of want to rebrand and recreate Wednesday night.  We're going to call it Expound.  Everything remains the same, new name with a little bit of a twist.  We would love if we could to make Wednesday nights as participatory and as interactive as possible.  We'd love to.

You see, we're a family, we're a church family, we're a community, a spiritual community.  But here's the best definition, we are first and foremost a textual community.  We all gather around the exposition of the text of scripture whether it's Sunday morning or it's Wednesday night, it's around the text of scripture.  Imagine if we were all reading through the same portion of scripture together as a church every single day every single week.  So the week could even help you do your devotions.  I'll explain.

Few weeks ago, I held up a Bible handbook called Halley's Bible Handbook.  In the first page that you turned to when you open the front spine says, "The most important page in this book is page 743," which is I mentioned then was an odd thing for any book to say.  It's like, "What, nothing is important until I get to that page?  So, why did you write it?"  But you turn to that page and it says, "Our recommendation is that every pastor and every church have a plan of reading through the text of scripture together.

In a synopsis form, he said, "Here's our simple suggestion that each church have a congregational plan of Bible reading and that the pastor's sermon be from the part of the Bible read the past week, thus connecting the pastor's preaching with the people's reading."  Many says this and listen carefully, "If this plan is followed, it will produce a revitalized church and bring about a grand revival."  Don't you want that?  I want a grand revival in the next decade.  I really and truly do.

So part of that is going to be expound on Wednesday nights.  Expanding your knowledge of God's truth by expounding to you God's word, that is expand.

Now, there's several ways you can go about this.  Number one, you can just come.  I noticed that some people come.  They don't bring their Bibles and they just observe.  I want you to know, it's okay.  We won't chastise you if you just want to come and observe.  If that's what you want to do, we'll make room for you.  We never say, "You didn't bring your Bible."  [Laughter]I've thought about it, but I never done it. [Laughter] Or if you want, there are several layers you could go down in participation and we could help you do that.

Imagine for example of instead of saying, "For next week, read these chapters during the week and we'll go through it together."  What if you were able to get an email on a daily basis or a twit from Twitter or a Facebook message or a number of ways if you desired that would say something like, "Today, read this section," and then the next day, "Today, pray about this thing," and then the next day, "Answer this question or these questions."  So that by the time that we have done this together all week, by the next time we're gathered together, our pump is primed and ready to learn.  And we have been literally reading the text of scripture on our daily devotions throughout the week together.

Now, what we're going to have is a few things on Wednesday nights.  For those of you who's like, "I'm not in the computers, not in the phones, not in the iPods, none of that stuff, I don't even like computers.  Give me a piece of paper."  We can do that.  Not as easy, but we're going to do it.  [Laughter] I also understand there are still cassette tapes and eight-tracks out there and that's fine.  [Laughter] But we're going to accommodate people who want just sheets of paper to have that, we'll give it to you.

But also, we're going to have a team of people in the foyer gathered together who are available to answer technical questions for you.  If you'd want to sign-up for the daily reminders via email or Twitter or Facebook or whatever the newest technology is, or if you have a computer or a phone or a tablet and you've got to be -- you don't know how to use it, we'll teach you how to use it and implement that technology.

So again, if you want to just come and observe and just listen and go, you can.  If you want to go deeper and you just want a sheet of paper, you can.  If you want to go even deeper still, we can help you do that, so that we're developing a textual community.  That's expound.  That will be Wednesday nights and we'll be opening up with the Book of Exodus.  We've already done Genesis.  We'll be rolling on Exodus in a couple of weeks.  That's the word.

Now, let me talk about prayer.  And if we called the first one Expound then we'll call the second Express.  Now, some of you know, there's some of you don't, we've had a prayer room around this joint for a long time.  And some afternoons when I can, I like to go in the room and pray.  I often find a couple of things when I do.  Number one, either no one is ever there, or number two, the room has been taken over for another function and it's not a prayer room for that week or the next week or for the month.

And then we've had attempts over the years to talk people into praying and giving pulpit announcements and having you sign-up, trying to talk you into praying, et cetera, et cetera.  But we believe we want you to hear it from us tonight, we believe that part of the cornerstone of this church is that we march forward on our knees before God that we pray together.

When we first started a little Bible study and people said, "Okay now, we have a Bible study and it's growing and there's 125 or 130 people.  Now, what do we do?  What's the next steps Skip?"  I remember my answer.  I said, "I don't know.  I never done this before, but I do know that if we're doing this Bible study on Thursday night, then on Monday night, a few of us can gather together and we'll pray and we'll ask God what the next step is."  That's how this church started.  We had a Bible study and then we prayed every week and ask God what's the next step.  I don't want to lose that.  In fact, I want to reintroduce that.

We have a prayer chapel.  The prayer chapel, we want to use as just that a room, a holy place set aside for the purpose of prayer alone.

So, see tonight, see this, as our call to arms, our call to prayer in the word, this will be he year of Expound and a year of Express.  Listen to just a few promises out of the word of God.  Second Chronicles 7:14, everybody knows that.  God said, "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven.  I will forgive their sin.  I will heal their land."

Jeremiah 33 Verse 3, "Call unto me and I will answer you, and I will show you great and mighty things which you know not."  Jesus said in Matthew 7, "Keep on asking, and you will be given what you ask for.  Keep on looking, and you will find.  Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened.  For everyone who asks receives.   Everyone who seeks, finds."  And the door is open to everyone who knocks.

What God values, we must value.  What God's priorities are must be our priorities.  And if God says, "I've given you a model in the Book of Acts, prayer and the ministry of the word."  Then, those ought to be our priorities.

Can you just imagine if every pastor on the staff, if every church employee on the staff, if every ministry leader, paid, unpaid, volunteer, visible or not visible, and then that filtered into every and this year, were on their knees praying, can you just imagine what God might do?  It could be stellar(ph).

Also, I'm asking as I already have, all of my staff members to be available to people who come in for prayer.  If they need a group of people to gather around them for prayer, if they need hands laid on them, anointing with oil for the sick, if they need or want community to be taken, we're going to be available for that purpose.

Also, I'm asking ministry leaders and there are well over a hundred ministries in our church that are ongoing, every ministry leader to commit some time once a month to be devoted to prayer.  Imagine if just a few members of every ministry in this church decided -- they're just going to go in the prayer room every month just to spend a little time to gather and pray, that alone would be monumental.  And then when people say. "You know what, I want to get involved in this ministry or that ministry."  Great, it's going to be known upfront, if you're going to get involved, part of your involvement is going to be spending time in prayer.

Forth, we're asking our school of ministry students to not just pile up books and get lots of knowledge in their heads about theology and church history and language and all those great things that they came to for them to learn.  But we want to teach them to intercede for people, to be prayer warriors.  So part of their curriculum will be also spending time in the prayer room, okay.

So, we have this prayer room that we've been working on.  My wife got a terrific vision for it and decorated it, and we're going to unveil that to you tonight and I hope you get excited.

In the prayer chapel or in the prayer room, which is located where the old Solomon's Porch used to be, the old bookstore, which is on that part of the church in the other side of the foyer.  There's little sections.  One little setting of furniture in the prayer room, couch and some chairs is devoted for taking communion.  The elements are there, instructions are there, you don't need to know it.  You just come in, read the instructions, few people you take communion together if you so desire.

In another section of the prayer chapel is a little setting devoted to the anointing of oil.  We have anointing oil that is there, we have instructions for how to do that if you're sick and you want prayer for that, that little section is for you.  Another section is devoted to a desk with a computer on it.  We have tons of prayer request that come in every week.  If you go in there and you decide to intercede for people during that time, you not only can read the stuff on the screen and who you were praying for, but maybe the Lord will give you a word of encouragement or a word of knowledge or a word of wisdom and you want to share with that person.  You'll have the ability to interact and leave a note of encouragement or a scripture verse for that person or those people.

Also, in the prayer chapel would be a phone in one little section.  The phone you pick up and you call the front desk.  "Hi, I'm here alone.  I'd like two or more, not the band."  [Laughter] But the scripture, where it says in Matthew 18, "Where two or three gathered in my name, I will hear them for there I am in their midst."  You're here alone and you want somebody to lay hands on you and pray for you or you want a few people, our staff is going to be more available than ever before to meet those needs on an ongoing basis.

In another section of the prayer chapel is a world map.  All the countries of the world, on either side are bookshelves with resources on prayer.  Maybe you have time, you go, "I've got an hour."  You could just sit in that prayer room.  You could go to the resources and you could study a little bit on prayer.  You'll be encouraged by what you read.  There's a couple of great books called Operation World, the most comprehensive book I've ever seen on praying for people and countries around the world.

Some of you have never traveled much.  I'm giving you the opportunity through prayer to travel and see the world.  You may never live the United States of America or Albuquerque, but you could travel over to Africa.  You could travel over to Indonesia.  You could travel the world on your knees in prayer and just imagine better than sending email over there.  You're going to be sending knee mail over there [Laughter] and have God affect the world as you pray for the world.

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Glance Backward; Go Forward; Gaze Upward
Genesis 16
Skip Heitzig
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I like to use the week between Christmas and New Year’s to gain some needed perspective. I usually gather together an inventory of thoughts, plans, and projects—some I’ve completed and many I have not. I like to get nostalgic and recollect my life’s journey so far and then think about the future, including what friends and family I need to reconnect with. These exercises help me find meaning in my life’s journey as I submit them for heaven’s final approval.
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Psalm 90
Skip Heitzig
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Moses wrote Psalm 90 at a time in his life when he experienced great loss. As we study his words, we learn some simple yet powerful truths that can transform our year—if we put them into practice. Looking ahead, we can't predict what's coming up, but we can make our days count for eternity.
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Sing In the New Year: Worship through the Ages
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Navigating Another Year
Ephesians 5:15-17
Skip Heitzig
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What is the will of God? It can seem so elusive, but in this study, we learn five things that are the clear will of God for each of us. As children of God, as a church body, let's make a pact to preach to the lost, to be set apart for Jesus Christ, to be humble, to be submissive and honoring to the people around us, and to be thankful in all things.
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Where Are We Going?
Philippians 3:12-16
Skip Heitzig
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As we look back in celebration of what the Lord has done this past year, it's tempting to rest on our laurels—to be satisfied with what has been accomplished. But the work is not complete. On the brink of the new year, let's consider these words of the apostle Paul, and apply some important principles that will help us finish the race well.
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The Amazing Race
Philippians 3:12-16
Skip Heitzig
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Are you running to win? Or are you operating in cruise control? As we begin a new year, it's time to consider five essentials in our race toward Godly living. Let's explore what the apostle Paul had to say about the race laid out before us from this text in the book of Philippians.
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New Year's Eve 2009
Skip Heitzig
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As we go forward into a new decade we'll remember the broken body and shed blood of Jesus Christ. Join us as we reflect on what the Lord has done, and look forward expectantly to the good works He has prepared before us.
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Holes in the Walls
Nehemiah 2:11-18
Skip Heitzig
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With the coming of a New Year comes the evaluation of the old one. Today I'd like to speak candidly about some concerns that I see within the "Christian Camp" as we face the New Year. Picture your life like the four walls within an ancient city (Jerusalem in Nehemiah's time). For the city to be safe, productive, and thriving, the holes in the walls need to be closed and the gates carefully guarded. Consider carefully (and prayerfully) these four vulnerable areas in the coming year:
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New Year's Eve 2008
Deuteronomy 1:1-46;Joshua 1:1-18
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Special New Years Eve Worship Service
Skip Heitzig
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New Years Revolution!
1 Thessalonians 5:14-22
Skip Heitzig
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This is typically the time of year we pause to take personal inventory. How far have we come? What goals have we met? How could we do things differently? This is the stuff that makes for New Years resolutions. But in making them, where should we aim? How high should we aim? What is the best way to live our lives in the coming year? I say we could use less resolutions and more of a revolution—i.e. radical change!
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A Clear Path in a Foggy Future
Joshua 3:1-10
Skip Heitzig
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Do you remember lying in bed as a child wondering what you would be doing in the future? Questions like, “Who will I marry? Where will I be living? How many kids will I have?” occupied our imagination. Everyone wonders about his or her future and, around New Years, such speculation is rampant. But as believers we can walk on firmer ground. With God at the helm, life’s journey can be an exciting adventure. And since we’re already assured of the destination of this earthly pilgrimage, let’s enjoy the ride!
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New Year's Eve Fiesta
Skip Heitzig
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Facing the Future with Confidence
Jeremiah 29:1-14
Skip Heitzig
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Facing the Future with Confidence - Jeremiah 29:1-14 from our study New Year's Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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New Year's Eve 2004
Skip Heitzig
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New Year's Eve 2004 from our study New Year's Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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How To Face the New Year
Psalm 65:11
Skip Heitzig
Message Summary
How To Face the New Year from our study New Year's Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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New Year's Eve 2003
Skip Heitzig
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New Year's Eve 2003 from our study New Year's Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing
John 15:1-8
Skip Heitzig
Message Summary
Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing - John 15:1-8 from our study New Year's Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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New Year's Eve 2002
Skip Heitzig
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New Year's Eve 2002 from our study New Year's Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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How To Face the New Year
Psalm 65:11
Skip Heitzig
Message Summary
How To Face the New Year - Psalm 65:11 from our study New Year's Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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New Year's Eve 2001
Skip Heitzig
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New Year's Eve 2001 from our study New Year's Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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New Year's Eve 2000
Skip Heitzig
Message Summary
New Year's Eve 2000 from our study New Year's Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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New Year's Eve 1999
Skip Heitzig
Message Summary
New Year's Eve 1999 from our study New Year's Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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I know the plans I have for you
Jeremiah 29:1-11
Skip Heitzig
Message Summary
I know the plans I have for you - Jeremiah 29:1-11 from our study New Year's Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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The Future: Inquiring Minds Want to Know
Matthew 24; Luke 21
Skip Heitzig
Message Summary
As a child I remember laying in bed wondering about the future. Questions like, "Where will I be in the year 2000?" or, "Will there be an end to the world?" would go through my mind. People have always had futuristic queries. Even the disciples did. What will happen? What should I know? How can I prepare?
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New Year's Eve 1998
Skip Heitzig
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The Best Way to Live
Philippians 3:10-14
Skip Heitzig
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The Best Way to Live - Philippians 3:10-14 from our study New Year's Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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The Untrodden Path of the Future
Joshua 3:1-14
Skip Heitzig
Message Summary
The Untrodden Path of the Future - Joshua 3:1-14 from our study New Year's Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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New Year's 1997
Skip Heitzig
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New Year's 1997 from our study New Year's Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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New Year's Eve 1996
Skip Heitzig
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New Year's Eve 1996 from our study New Year's Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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Trusting an Unknown Future to a Known God
Skip Heitzig
Message Summary
Trusting an Unknown Future to a Known God from our study New Year's Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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New Year's Eve 1995
Skip Heitzig
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New Year's Eve 1995 from our study New Year's Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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New Year's 1995
Psalm 20
Skip Heitzig
Message Summary
New Year's 1995 - Psalm 20 from our study New Year's Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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Four Words for the New Year
Philippians 3:12-14
Skip Heitzig
Message Summary
Four Words for the New Year - Philippians 3:12-14 from our study New Year's Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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New Year's Eve 1994
Skip Heitzig
Message Summary
New Year's Eve 1994 from our study New Year's Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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New Year's Eve 1993
Calvary Pastors
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New Year's Eve 1993 from our study New Year's Messages with the Calvary Pastors from Calvary Albuquerque.
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New Year's Eve 1992
John 4
Skip Heitzig
Message Summary
New Year's Eve 1992 - John 4 from our study New Year's Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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New Year Exhortation
Matthew 5:13-16
Skip Heitzig
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New Year Exhortation - Matthew 5:13-16 from our study New Year's Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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Fulfilling the Task
Joshua 13
Skip Heitzig
Message Summary
Fulfilling the Task - Joshua 13 from our study New Year's Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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Facing the Future with Confidence
Jeremiah 29:1-11
Skip Heitzig
Message Summary
Facing the Future with Confidence - Jeremiah 29:1-11 from our study New Year's Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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New Years: A Time for Rebuilding
Nehemiah 2:11-20
Skip Heitzig
Message Summary
New Years: A Time for Rebuilding - Nehemiah 2:11-20 from our study New Year's Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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New Year's Eve 1986
Skip Heitzig
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New Year's Eve 1986 from our study New Year's Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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From Beginning to End
Skip Heitzig
Message Summary
From Beginning to End from our study New Year's Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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There are 43 additional messages in this series.
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